A project organisation
consisting of the Engineer’s Representative (ER), Independent Environmental
Checker (IEC), Environmental Team (ET), Project Proponent (Water Supplies
Department) and Contractor should be established to take on the
responsibilities for environmental protection for the Project. The IEC will be
appointed by the Project Proponent to conduct independent auditing on the
overall EM&A programme including environmental and operation monitoring,
implementation of mitigation measures, Environmental Monitoring and Audit
(EM&A) submissions, and any other submission required under the
Environmental Permit (EP). ET is responsible for conducting the EM&A
programme and to ensure the Contractor's compliance with the project's
environmental performance requirements. The organisation, responsibilities of
respective parties and lines of communication with respect to environmental
protection works are given in the EM&A Manual.
EM&A is an important
aspect in the EIA process which specifies the timeframe and responsibilities
for the implementation of environmental mitigation measures. The requirements
on environmental monitoring (including baseline and impact monitoring) are
given in the EM&A Manual.
A project specific
EM&A Manual to the Project has been prepared as part of the EIAO submission
with reference to the latest design information available and Environmental
Protection Department’s (EPD) generic EM&A Manual. The project specific
EM&A Manual highlights the following issues:
Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer or
ER, ET, and the IEC under the context of EM&A;
Project organisation for the EM&A works;
The basis for, and description of the broad
approach underlying the EM&A programme;
Details of the methodologies to be adopted,
including all laboratories and analytical procedures, and details on quality
assurance and quality control programme;
The rationale on which the environmental monitoring
data will be evaluated and interpreted;
Definition of Action and Limit Levels;
Establishment of Event and Action Plans;
Requirements for reviewing pollution sources and
working procedures required in the event of non-compliance with the
environmental criteria and complaints; and
Requirements for presentation of environmental
monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.
The Contractor shall be
requested to review the mitigation measures and Project Implementation Schedule
(PIS) with respect to the design developments and construction methodology. In
the case where the Contractor needs to update the mitigation measures and the
PIS, an updated EM&A Manual shall be submitted to the EPD for approval. The
Contractor shall seek EPD’s prior approval on these amendments before
construction commences.
A PIS has been prepared
and included in Appendix 11A and in the EM&A Manual to summarise all the required
mitigation measures that need to be implemented during the design, the
construction and operation phases of the Project. The implementation
responsibilities will also be identified in the PIS. The EM&A Manual will
also present the requirements for environmental monitoring and auditing (e.g.
monitoring and audit frequency), throughout the construction and operation
The Contractor should
review the mitigation measures and PIS with respect to the design developments
and construction methodology. In case the Contractor needs to update the
mitigation measures and PIS, the EM&A Manual should be updated accordingly.
The ET will be requested
to implement and operate a monitoring programme throughout the construction
period of the Project. This mechanism will include a system to report the
monitoring results on the project website within a period of time, to be agreed
by EPD, after the relevant monitoring data are collected. In cases
where exceedance is found, the Contractor and ET should take immediate actions
to implement remediation measures following the procedures specified in the
EM&A Manual.
Methodology and
requirements of monitoring work are detailed in a standalone EM&A Manual.
Air Quality Impact
Construction Phase
Construction dust
monitoring, regular audits and site inspections should be carried out during construction
phase to ensure that dust level will comply with the relevant criteria. The
dust suppression measures stipulated in Air Pollution Control (Construction
Dust) Regulation, the control measures and good practices as recommended in this
EIA report and the EM&A Manual are properly implemented by the Contractor
to minimise the potential disturbance to the environment.
Operation Phase
There will be no air
pollutants emission during the operation of the Project. No adverse air quality impacts associated
with the operation of the Project are expected, and thus no monitoring and
audit programme would be required
Noise Impact
Construction Phase
With the implementation
of noise control measures, no adverse noise impact anticipated during the
construction phase. However,
construction noise monitoring, regular audits and site inspections should be
carried out during construction phase to ensure that the construction noise
levels will comply with the relevant criterion and the recommended best
management practices as recommended in this EIA Report and the EM&A Manual
are properly implemented by the Contractor.
Operation Phase
No adverse noise impact
is anticipated due to the operation of the DHPS with mitigation measures in
place. Commissioning test should be conducted prior to operation of the Project
to ensure fixed plant noise impact would comply with the relevant noise
standards. No operation noise monitoring is therefore deemed necessary.
Water Quality Impact
Construction Phase
With the implementation
of good site practices and recommended mitigation measures, no adverse water
quality impact is anticipated during the construction phase. However, regular site
audit should be carried out during the entire construction phase to ensure that
good site practices and mitigation measures recommended in this EIA Report and
EM&A Manual are properly implemented by the Contractor.
Operation Phase
No adverse water quality
impacts associated with the operation of the Project are expected, and thus no
monitoring and audit programme would be required.
Waste Management Implications
Construction Phase
During construction
phase, the Contractor shall manage all generated wastes in accordance with
relevant legislation and guidelines. Regular audits and site inspections should
be carried out to ensure proper waste management measures recommended in this
EIA Report and EM&A Manual are implemented by the Contractor.
Operation Phase
It is expected that there
would be limited quantities of waste to be generated from the operation of the
Project and no adverse impacts on waste management is anticipated with the
implementation of good waste management practices. Monitoring and audit programme for the
operation phase of the Project would not be required.
Land Contamination
Considering no potential
land contamination issue is identified, no specific monitoring or audit is
Ecological Impact
Construction Phase
Mitigation measures for
air, noise, water, waste and landscape aspects proposed in respective sections
of this EIA Report could serve as precautionary measures to prevent and minimise
any indirect disturbance impact or pollution arisen from the construction
activities on the local ecology and offsite habitats. These measures include
dust control measures, selection of quieter plants, use of movable noise
barriers, good site practices for waste and wastewater handling, measures
outlined in ProPECC Note PN1/94 to minimise surface runoff from construction
site etc., according to relevant sections of this EIA Report. Regular site
audit shall be conducted to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are
properly implemented.
Operation Phase
As no adverse ecological
impact is anticipated during operation phase, no specific EM&A requirement
would be required during operation phase.
Landscape and Visual Impact
Construction Phase
The landscape and visual
mitigation measures proposed should be incorporated in the landscape and
engineering design. Mitigation measures to be implemented during construction
should be adopted from the start of construction and be in place throughout the
entire construction period. Site audits
should be undertaken during the construction phase of the Project to check that
the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures are properly implemented
and maintained as per their intended objectives.
Operation Phase
Hazard to Life
There will be no
overnight storage of explosives for this project. Transportation of explosives
to site for cavern and tunnel construction will be undertaken on a daily
basis. The contractor is required to
destroy any unused explosives before nightfall. Considering no overnight
storage of explosives under this Project, no specific EM&A requirement is