11               Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements. 11-1

11.1            Introduction. 11-1

11.2            Air Quality Impact 11-1

11.3            Noise Impact 11-1

11.4            Water Quality Impact 11-1

11.5            Waste Management Implications. 11-2

11.6            Land Contamination. 11-2

11.7            Ecological Impact (Terrestrial) 11-2

11.8            Landscape and Visual Impacts. 11-3

11.9            Impact on Cultural Heritage. 11-3


List of Appendices


Appendix 11.1

Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures













11                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

11.1                Introduction        This section provides a summary of the requirements of environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) for the construction and operational phases of the Project and associated works based on the assessment results of the various environmental issues. Details of the EM&A requirements are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.        The purpose of the EM&A programme is to ascertain and verify the assumptions implicit to, and accuracy of, EIA study predictions. The EM&A programme includes the scope of the EM&A requirements for the Project to ensure compliance with the EIA study recommendations, to assess the effectiveness of the recommended mitigation measures. The following sections summarise the recommended EM&A requirements with the Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures presented in Appendix 11.1. 

11.2                Air Quality Impact

11.2.1            Construction Phase        EM&A for potential dust impacts should be conducted during construction phase so as to check compliance with the legislative requirements.  Details of the monitoring and audit programme are contained in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.        Regular site audits for potential dust impact are recommended to be conducted during the entire construction phase of the Project so as to ensure the dust mitigation measures and the dust suppression measures stipulated in Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation are implemented in order    

11.2.2            Operation Phase        No unacceptable adverse impact arising from the Project is anticipated during the operation phase of the Project.  Therefore, the EM&A works for the operation phase are considered unnecessary.

11.3                Noise Impact

11.3.1            Construction Phase        An EM&A programme is recommended to be established according to the expected occurrence of noisy activities. All the recommended mitigation measures for daytime normal working activities should be incorporated into the EM&A programme for implementation during construction. Details of the EM&A requirements are provided in the EM&A Manual.

11.3.2            Operation Phase        Road traffic noise levels should be monitored at representative noise sensitive receivers (NSR), which are in the vicinity of the recommended direct mitigation measures, during the first year after road opening. The purpose of the monitoring is to ascertain that the recommended mitigation measures are effective in reducing the noise levels.

11.4                Water Quality Impact

11.4.1            Construction Phase        The potential water quality impact from land-based construction works can be controlled by the recommended mitigation measures.  Nonetheless, regular site inspections are recommended during the construction phase to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

11.4.2            Operation Phase        The minor additional surface runoff will be collected and screened by road drainage system before diverting into the storm water drains. Besides, no significant change in flow regime and water quality associated with the permanent structure is predicted. Hence, water quality impact is anticipated to be insignificant, no monitoring or audit is required.

11.5                Waste Management Implications

11.5.1            Construction Phase        It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that any wastes produced during the construction and demolition works are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with recommended good waste management practices and relevant regulations and other legislative requirements. The recommended mitigation measures detailed in Section 6.6 should form the basis of the site Waste Management Plan (WMP) to be developed by the Contractor in the construction stage.        It is recommended that the waste arisings generated during the construction activities should be audited regularly by the Environmental Team (ET) to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures. The audits should look at all aspects of on-site waste management practices including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal. Apart from site inspections, documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records should be reviewed and audited for compliance with the legislation of the recommended good site practice and other waste management mitigation measures.

11.5.2            Operation Phase      Adverse environmental impacts generated from handling, storage and disposal of waste are not expected from the operation of the Project with the implementation of good waste management practices. Therefore, waste monitoring and audit programme for the operation phase of the Project would not be required.

11.6                Land Contamination        As land contamination impacts are not anticipated, no environmental monitoring and audit programme would be required.

11.7                Ecological Impact (Terrestrial)        The implementation of the recommended mitigation measures should be subjected to monthly site audit throughout the construction phase (refer to Appendix 11.1).  In case of non-compliance, the Contractor should be informed to strengthen the proposed mitigation measures accordingly.  Details of environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) requirements are discussed in the separate EM&A Manual.        Considering the location of ardeid night roosts along SMRC could vary, a pre-construction ardeid survey should be conducted to ascertain the status and extent of the ardeid night roost no earlier than 3 months before the commencement of construction works.  Site check should be conducted covering the ardeid night roosting site between Man Lai Court and HKHM to record the location of ardeid roosting trees, the ardeid species and abundance utilizing the night roosting site. A plan detailing the survey methodology should be submitted to and approved by AFCD. The findings of the pre-construction ardeid survey should be submitted and approved by AFCD. The findings of the pre-construction ardeid survey will be reviewed to verify if any unwanted direct encroachment of construction works to ardeid roosting tree would occur according to latest extent of ardeid night roosting prior to the construction activities.  In case there is any unwanted direct encroachment to the ardeid roosting tree, remedial actions should then be recommended, where appropriate, in consultation with relevant authorities.        During construction phase, monthly ardeid monitoring should be conducted to monitor the extent and status of ardeid night roost, and the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures (e.g. restriction time of construction works, avoid encroachment on ardeid night roost site) and to identify if there are any unforeseen ecological impacts arising from the proposed Project.  A plan detailing the monitoring methodology should be submitted to and approved by AFCD and the monitoring data should be included in the monthly EM&A report. In case of any unforeseen ecological impacts identified, remedial actions should then be recommended, where appropriate, in consultation with relevant authorities.        Two flora species of conservation importance (Butulang Canthium and Ailanthus) were recorded within the Project footprint.  Another six flora species of conservation importance (Butulang Canthium, Incense Tree, Luofushan Joint-fir, Small Persimmon, Rhododendron spp. and Hairy-fruited Ormosia) were recorded in the vicinity of the Project footprint of flexible and rigid barriers.  A detailed vegetation survey at potentially impacted areas and effective implementation of suitable mitigation measures (e.g. preserve in-situ, transplantation) should be conducted prior to site clearance. In case of unavoidable loss of flora species of conservation importance according to the Plant Preservation and Transplantation Proposal (PPTP), a 3-year post-transplantation monitoring programme should be carried out to ensure the establishment of the transplanted plants.  Details of post-transplantation monitoring programme such as target species, monitoring frequency and parameters, maintenance works would be recommended in the PPTP.  Regular site inspection and monitoring should be conducted to ensure that the proposed works would be confined within the Project footprint and that all retained trees and flora species of conservation importance identified in the PPTP at and near the Project footprint would be protected and preserved in situ properly.

11.8                Landscape and Visual Impacts

11.8.1            Construction Phase        The mitigation measures listed in Table 9.10 shall be adopted during the construction phase. It is recommended that regular site inspections during the construction phase should be undertaken to inspect the construction activities and works areas in order to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

11.8.2            Operation Phase        The operation phase mitigation measures listed in Table 9.11 shall be adopted during the detailed design and be built as part of the construction works at the last stage of the construction period so that they are in place at the date of commissioning of the Project.  However, it should be noted that the full effect of the soft landscape mitigation measures would not be appreciated for several years.

11.9                Impact on Cultural Heritage

11.9.1            Construction Phase        Pre and post condition survey of Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa, Tsang Tai Uk, Li Cottage and Ng Yuen shall be carried out.  The survey reports shall be submitted to AMO for record.        Monitoring of vibration, settlement and tilting incorporated with a set of Alert, Alarm and Action (3As) system shall be employed for Tsang Tai Uk, Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa, Li Cottage, Lau Ancestral Hall, Ng Yuen, High Rock Christian Camp, No. 1, 2 and 3 First Street, as well as OLD1, OLD9, OLD11-21, OLD26-28 during the construction phase.  The proposed 3As limiting criteria are presented in Table 10.5.  Monitoring proposal including checkpoint locations, installation details, response actions for each of the Alert/ Alarm/ Action (3As) levels and frequency of monitoring should be submitted for AMO's consideration.  Installation of monitoring checkpoints shall be carried out in great care and adequate protection shall be provided so as to avoid unnecessary disturbance / damage to nearby historic fabrics.   Photo records of monitoring checkpoints shall be submitted upon installation for AMO's records.  Monitoring records should also be submitted to AMO on regular basis and alert AMO should the monitoring reach 3As levels.        Excavation works should not jeopardize stability of the historic buildings.  Foundation information of the historic buildings shall be verified on site if needed, sufficient lateral support should be provided and de-watering (if required) should be carried out with great cautions to control ground movement and change of ground water regime at the heritage site.        Buffer zones with physical barriers should be employed for Tsang Tai Uk, the Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa, and OLD26.  Substantial physical barriers, such as hoarding or water-filled barriers, should be set up between the project site and each of the three built heritage resources, Li Cottage, Ng Yuen and OLD26.  Protective covering of plastic sheets shall be provided for Tsang Tai Uk, the Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa, Li Cottage, and Ng Yuen, during construction to avoid impacts of dust nuisance.        A detailed design proposal including method of works and impact assessments for the four built heritage including (a) Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa (new item); (b) Li Cottage (Grade 1); (c) Ng Yuen (Grade 3); (d) Tsang Tai Uk (Grade 1) should be submitted. The impact assessment should also include an analysis of settlement for Tsang Tai Uk due to construction works.        No specific EM&A requirement would be required for archaeology during construction phase.  As a precautionary measure, AMO should be informed immediately in case of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities in the course of works, so that appropriate mitigation measures, if needed, can be timely formulated and implemented in agreement with AMO.

11.9.2            Operation Phase        No specific EM&A requirement would be required during operation phase.