Drainage Improvement Works in Ta Kwu Ling



Environmental Impact Assessment Report



Appendices (Volume III)

List of Appendices


Appendix 2.1

Flood Extend Map under 1 in 10yr Rainfall Event (Existing Case)

Appendix 2.2

Flood Extend Map under 1 in 10yr Rainfall Event (After Improvement)

Appendix 4.1

Preliminary Construction Programme

Appendix 4.2

Construction Plant Inventory (Without Mitigation)

Appendix 4.3

Summary of Predicted Noise Levels during Daytime Period (Without mitigation)

Appendix 4.4

Construction Noise Assessment (Without Mitigation)

Appendix 4.5

Construction Plant Inventory (With Mitigation)

Appendix 4.6

Summary of Predicted Noise Levels during Daytime Period (With mitigation)

Appendix 4.7

Construction Noise Assessment (With Mitigation)

Appendix 4.8

Photos of Existing Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 4.9

Schematic Configuration of Noise Barrier

Appendix 4.10

Letter of Confirmation from Project Proponent

Appendix 5.1

Site Visit Photos

Appendix 7.1

Referenced Aerial Photos

Appendix 7.2

Site Photos

Appendix 7.3

Contamination Assessment Plan

Appendix 8.1

Habitat Photos

Appendix 8.2

Photos of Selected Species of Conservation Importance

Appendix 8.3

Plant Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.4

Bird Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.5

Butterfly Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.6

Odonate Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.7

Reptile Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.8

Amphibian Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.9

Mammal Species Recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 8.10

Aquatic Species Recorded across All Aquatic Sampling Points within the Study Area

Appendix 9.1

Photographs of Ponds in the Assessment Area

Appendix 10.1

Built Heritage Survey Report for Ta Kwu Ling

Appendix 11.1

Tree Assessment Schedule and Photos of the Potential OVTs Proposed to be Felled

Appendix 12.1

Implementation Schedule of Environmental Protection Measures for the Project

Appendix 14.1

Summary of Environmental Impacts Associated with the Project

Appendix 14.2

Key Assessment Assumptions and Limitations of Assessment Methodologies