1          Introduction

1.1              Background and Purpose

1.2              Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Requirements

1.3              Purpose of the EIA Study

1.4              Objectives of the EIA Study

1.5              Structure of the Report

2          Project Description

2.1              Project Location and Site History

2.2              Project Scope and Scale

2.3              Implementation Programme

2.4              Need and Benefit of the Project

2.5              Consideration of Alternatives

2.6              Interfacing and Concurrent Projects

2.7              Documentation of Public Concerns

3          Air Quality Impact

3.1              Introduction

3.2              Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

3.3              Study Area

3.4              Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers

3.5              Existing Air Quality

3.6              Identification of Pollution Sources

3.7              Assessment Methodology – Construction Phase

3.8              Assessment Methodology – Operational Phase

3.9              Impact Assessment

3.10          Mitigation Measures

3.11          Evaluation of Residual Impacts

3.12          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

3.13          Conclusion

4          Water Quality Impact

4.1              Introduction

4.2              Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria

4.3              Water Sensitive Receivers

4.4              Description of the Environment

4.5              Consideration of Concurrent Projects

4.6              Identification of Potential Impacts

4.7              Assessment Methodology

4.8              Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Construction Phase

4.9              Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Operational Phase (Project Effluent Discharge)

4.10          Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Operational Phase (Other Water Pollution Sources)

4.11          Mitigation Measures – Construction Phase

4.12          Mitigation Measures – Operational Phase

4.13          Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts

4.14          Residual Water Quality Impacts

4.15          Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements

4.16          Conclusions

5          Ecological Impact

5.1              Introduction

5.2              Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

5.3              Methodology For Baseline Establishment

5.4              Literature Review Results

5.5              Field Survey Results

5.6              Evaluation of Baseline Ecological Conditions

5.7              Identification of Potential Terrestrial Ecological Impacts

5.8              Identification of Potential Marine Ecological Impacts

5.9              Evaluation of Potential Terrestrial Ecological Impacts in Absence of Mitigation Measures

5.10          Evaluation of Potential Marine Ecological Impacts in Absence of Mitigation Measures

5.11          Mitigation Measures and Residual Impact on Terrestrial Ecology

5.12          Mitigation Measures and Residual Impact on Marine Ecology

5.13          Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)

5.14          Conclusion

5.15          References

6          Fisheries Impact

6.1              Introduction

6.2              Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

6.3              Effluent Disposal Arrangement

6.4              Assessment Are

6.5              Assessment Methodology

6.6              Description of the Environment

6.7              Identification and Evaluation of Potential Impacts

6.8              Mitigation Measures

6.9              Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts and Residual Impacts

6.10          Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements

6.11          Conclusion

6.12          References

7          Landscape and Visual Impact

7.1              Introduction

7.2              Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

7.3              Assessment Methodologies

7.4              Review of Planning and Development Control Framework

7.5              Landscape Baseline

7.6              Visual Baseline

7.7              Identification and Assessment of Landscape Impact

7.8              Identification and Assessment of Visual Impact

7.9              Mitigation Measures

7.10          Residual and Cumulative Impacts

7.11          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

7.12          Conclusion

8          Hazard to Life

8.1              Introduction

8.2              Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

8.3              Project Construction Arrangement and Schedule

8.4              QRA Methodology

8.5              Meteorological Data and Population Data

8.6              QRA For Biogas Facilities

8.7              QRA For Tai Po Gas Production Plant

8.8              QRA For Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities

8.9              QRA For Linde HKO Site

8.10          Residual Impacts

8.11          Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

8.12          Conclusion

8.13          Recommendations

8.14          Reference

9          Landfill Gas Hazard

9.1              Introduction

9.2              Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

9.3              Potential Hazard Associated With Landfill Gas and Leachate

9.4              Landfill Gas Assessment Criteria and Methodology

9.5              Description of the Environment

9.6              Qualitative Landfill Gas Assessment

9.7              Recommended Precautionary and Protection Measures

9.8              Evaluation of Residual Impacts

9.9              Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements

9.10          Contingency Plan For Construction and Operational Phases

9.11          Conclusion

10     Waste Management Implications

10.1          Introduction

10.2          Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

10.3          Assessment Methodology

10.4          Identification of Potential Waste Sources

10.5          Impact Assessment and Evaluation

10.6          Mitigation Measures

10.7          Residual Impacts

10.8          Monitoring and Audit Requirement

10.9          Conclusions

11     Land Contamination

11.1          Introduction

11.2          Environmental Legislations, Standards and Criteria

11.3          Project Description

11.4          Study Area

11.5          Assessment Methodology

11.6          Description of the Environment

11.7          Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern

11.8          Future Land Uses

11.9          Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts

11.10      Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts

11.11      Evaluation of Residual Impacts

11.12      Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

11.13      Conclusion

12     Noise Impact

12.1          Introduction

12.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

12.3          Description of Environment

12.4          Noise Sensitive Receivers

12.5          Assessment Methodology

12.6          Identification and Evaluation of Noise Impacts

12.7          Mitigation Measures

12.8          Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

12.9          Conclusion

13     Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

13.1          Introduction

13.2          Air Quality Impact

13.3          Water Quality Impact

13.4          Ecological Impact

13.5          Fisheries Impact

13.6          Landscape and Visual Impact

13.7          Hazard to Life Impact

13.8          Landfill Gas Hazard

13.9          Waste Management Implications

13.10      Land Contamination

13.11      Noise Impact

14     Summary of Environmental Outcomes

15     Conclusions

15.1          Introduction

15.2          Air Quality Impact

15.3          Water Quality Impact

15.4          Ecological Impact

15.5          Fisheries Impact

15.6          Landscape and Visual Impact

15.7          Hazard To Life Impact

15.8          Landfill Gas Hazard

15.9          Waste Management Implications

15.10      Land Contamination

15.11      Noise Impact