Agreement No. CE54/2019(DS)

Revitalisation of Tai Wai Nullah and Fo Tan Nullah – Investigation



Revitalisation of Fo Tan Nullah







Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Volume I – Main Text



















AECOM Asia Co. Ltd.


September 2022

Table of Contents

1                  Introduction. 1-1

1.1.......... Project Background. 1-1

1.2.......... Designated Projects under EIAO.. 1-1

1.3.......... Purpose of the EIA Study. 1-1

1.4.......... Objectives of this EIA Study. 1-2

1.5.......... Structure of the EIA Report 1-2

2                  Project description. 2-1

2.1.......... Purposes and Objectives of the Project 2-1

2.2.......... Project Site Location and Site History. 2-1

2.3.......... Proposed Project Design. 2-1

2.4.......... The Need of the Project 2-3

2.5.......... Consideration of Different Development Options. 2-4

2.6.......... Consideration of Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of Works. 2-7

2.7.......... Construction Programme. 2-8

2.8.......... Concurrent Projects. 2-8

2.9.......... Public Consultation. 2-11

3                  Air Quality Impact. 3-1

3.1.......... Introduction. 3-1

3.2.......... Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 3-1

3.3.......... Description of Environment 3-2

3.4.......... Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers. 3-4

3.5.......... Identification of Environmental Impacts. 3-5

3.6.......... Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 3-6

3.7.......... Mitigation of Environmental Impacts. 3-10

3.8.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 3-11

3.9.......... Environmental Monitoring and Audit 3-11

3.10........ Conclusion. 3-11

4                  Noise Impact. 4-1

4.1.......... Introduction. 4-1

4.2.......... Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 4-1

4.3.......... Description of Environment 4-3

4.4.......... Identification of Noise Sensitive Receivers. 4-3

4.5.......... Identification of Environmental Impacts. 4-5

4.6.......... Assessment Methodology. 4-6

4.7.......... Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 4-7

4.8.......... Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 4-8

4.9.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 4-11

4.10........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 4-11

4.11........ Conclusion. 4-11

5                  Water Quality Impact. 5-1

5.1.......... Introduction. 5-1

5.2.......... Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 5-1

5.3.......... Description of Environment 5-3

5.4.......... Identification of Water Sensitive Receivers. 5-8

5.5.......... Identification of Environmental Impacts. 5-9

5.6.......... Assessment Methodology. 5-9

5.7.......... Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 5-10

5.8.......... Mitigation of Environmental Impacts. 5-12

5.9.......... Cumulative Impacts. 5-17

5.10........ Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 5-18

5.11........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 5-18

5.12........ Conclusion. 5-19

6.                waste management implications. 6-1

6.1.......... Introduction. 6-1

6.2.......... Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 6-1

6.3.......... Assessment Methodology. 6-3

6.4.......... Identification and Evaluation of Potential Impacts. 6-3

6.5.......... Mitigation Measures. 6-6

6.6.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 6-10

6.7.......... Environmental Audit 6-10

6.8.......... Conclusion. 6-10

7                  Land contamination. 7-1

7.1.......... Introduction. 7-1

7.2.......... Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 7-1

7.3.......... Description of Environment 7-1

7.4.......... Assessment Methodology. 7-1

7.5.......... Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern. 7-2

7.6.......... Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 7-4

7.7.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 7-4

7.8.......... Environmental Monitoring and Audit 7-4

7.9.......... Conclusion. 7-4

8                  Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications. 8-1

8.1.......... Introduction. 8-1

8.2.......... Description of Environment 8-1

8.3.......... Design Guidelines and Standards. 8-1

8.4.......... Sewage Estimation and Impact Assessment 8-1

8.5.......... Conclusion. 8-7

9                  ECOLOGical impact (TERRESTRIAL AND MARINE) 9-1

9.1.......... Introduction. 9-1

9.2.......... Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 9-1

9.3.......... Assessment Methodology. 9-3

9.4.......... Baseline Conditions. 9-6

9.5.......... Survey Findings. 9-11

9.6.......... Ecological Value. 9-20

9.7.......... Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 9-32

9.8.......... Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 9-48

9.9.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 9-51

9.10........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 9-51

9.11........ Conclusion. 9-51

9.12........ References. 9-53

10               Fisheries Impact. 10-1

10.1........ Introduction. 10-1

10.2........ Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 10-1

10.3........ Assessment Methodology. 10-1

10.4........ Baseline Conditions. 10-2

10.5........ Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 10-4

10.6........ Mitigation of Environmental Impacts. 10-5

10.7........ Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 10-6

10.8........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 10-7

10.9........ Conclusion. 10-7

10.10...... References. 10-7

11               Cultural Heritage IMPACT. 11-1

11.1........ Introduction. 11-1

11.2........ Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 11-1

11.3........ Assessment Methodology. 11-2

11.4........ Background of the Assessment Area. 11-3

11.5........ Cultural Heritage Sites within the Assessment Area. 11-5

11.6........ Identification of Environmental Impacts. 11-5

11.7........ Mitigation of Environmental Impacts. 11-6

11.8........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 11-6

11.9........ Conclusion. 11-6

11.10...... Bibliography and Glossary. 11-7

12               Landscape and Visual Impacts. 12-1

12.1........ Introduction. 12-1

12.2........ Environmental Legislation, Standards and Assessment Criteria. 12-1

12.3........ Assessment Methodology. 12-2

12.4........ Review of the Planning and Development Control Framework. 12-5

12.5........ Baseline Condition. 12-6

12.6........ Landscape Impact Assessment 12-12

12.7........ Visual Impact Assessment 12-15

12.8........ Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures. 12-20

12.9........ Residual Impacts. 12-26

12.10...... Cumulative Impacts. 12-27

12.11...... Environmental Monitoring and Audit 12-27

12.12...... Conclusion. 12-27

13               environmental monitoring & audit requirements. 1

13.1........ Introduction. 1

13.2........ Air Quality Impact 1

13.3........ Noise Impact 1

13.4........ Water Quality Impact 1

13.5........ Waste Management Implications. 2

13.6........ Land Contamination. 2

13.7........ Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications. 2

13.8........ Ecological Impact 2

13.9........ Fisheries Impact 2

13.10...... Cultural Heritage Impact 2

13.11...... Landscape and Visual Impacts. 3


15               Conclusions. 15-1

15.1........ Introduction. 15-1

15.2........ Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes. 15-1

15.3........ Summary of Key Environmental Impacts. 15-6

15.4........ Summary of Alternative Options and Mitigation Measures. 15-6

15.5........ Overall Conclusion. 15-6