

a. 海外


ADB - Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia (2014) (只提供英文版本)
ADB - Environmental Assessment Guidelines by the Asian Development Bank (2003)
亞洲開發銀行 (ADB) - 亞洲開發銀行的環境評估指引 (2003年)
ADB - Country Environmental Analysis for Pakistan PDF
ADB - Green Benches: What can the People's Republic of China Learn from Environment Courts of Other Countries? (2009)

ADB - Green Growth, Resources and Resilience: Environmental Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific (2012) (只提供英文版本)

ADB - Pacific Region Environmental Strategy
亞洲開發銀行 (ADB),太平洋地區環境策略

Australia - Commonwealth Legislation
澳洲 - 聯邦


Canada - Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Reports


Denmark - Spatial Planning in Denmark
丹麥 - 丹麥的地方規劃


European Commission - "SEA and Integration of the Environment into Strategic Decision-Making - Volume 1: Main Report", William Sheate, Suzan Dagg, Jeremy Richardson, Ralf Aschemann, Juan Palerm and Ulla Steen. (May 2001)
歐盟 - 《策略性環評及策略性決策過程加入環境因素 - 第 1 冊:主體報告》(2001年5月)

European Commission - "SEA and Integration of the Environment into Strategic Decision-Making - Volume 2: Country Reports", William Sheate, Suzan Dagg, Kelli O'Donnell, Jeremy Richardson, Ralf Aschemann, Juan Palerm and Ulla Steen (May 2001)
歐盟 - 《策略性環評及策略性決策過程加入環境因素 - 第 2 冊:國家報告》(2001年5月)PDF

European Commission - SEA and Integration of the Environment into Strategic Decision-Making, Volume 3  - Imperial College Consultants Ltd (ICON) (2001)
歐盟 - 策略性環評和環境整合至策略決策3卷 (2001年)

European Commission - The European Union's Biodiversity Action Plan (2008)



France - French Planning system



Germany - Federal EIA Act
德國 - 聯邦環境影響評估法


IADB - "Environment - Strategic Document" by IADB (2003)
美洲開發銀行 -  "環境 - 策略性文件" (2003年)
Urban and Housing Development Sector Framework Document
美洲開發銀行 - 城市及住房發展的專題業務政策

International Institute for Environment and Development - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): A sourcebook and reference guide on international experience, 2004, Barry Dalal-Clayton and Barry Sadler

Italy - Evaluation and the environmental democracy of cities: Strategic Environmental Assessment of urban plans in Italy (2008)



Japan - Effective SEA Systems and Case Studies by the Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (2003)
日本 - 日本環境部門有效的策略性環評系統和案例研究 (2003年)


Japan - Ministry of the Environment, Framing of the Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment for "New Mutsu-Ogawara Development Basic Plan" (2005)
日本 - 日本環境部 – “New Mutsu-Ogawara發展基本計劃”的環境影響評估準則框架(2005年)

Japan - The Japan Urban Observatory, Japan: Overview of Planning
日本:規劃概述 - 日本城市觀測站


Macau - Report on the State of the Environment of Macau 1999 onward, the Environment Council
澳門 - 澳門環境理事會 - 1999年 及以後, 澳門環境狀況報告


New Zealand - A Guide to Preparing a Basic Assessment of Environmental Effects
紐西蘭 - 基本環境影響評估的指引

Norway - The Planning and Building Act
挪威 - 房屋及規劃法


Pakistan - Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook for  Pakistan
巴基斯坦 - Faisal Aslam 2006. 巴基斯坦的環境影響評估 – 概觀,實施與效能


Singapore - Master Plan, Urban Redevelopment Authority
新加坡 - 市區重建局 - 總體規劃

Singapore - Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore. The Singapore Green Plan 2012 (SGP 2012)
新加坡 - 環境及水力資源部,. 新加坡綠色計劃 2012 (SGP 2012)


South Africa - Strategic Environmental Assessment, Integrated Environmental Management Information series
南非 - 綜合環境管理信息系列 - 策略性環境評估

Spain - European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, Green Structure and Urban Planning, Final Report 2005
西班牙 - 西班牙的綠色建築、城市規劃及地方規劃

Strategic Environmental Assessment at the Policy Level: Recent Progress, Current Status and Future Prospects (2005), Barry Sadler

Sweden - Transition from Plan Environmental Impact Assessment to Strategic Environmental Assessment: Recommendations of the Project ”Policy Instruments for a Chinese Sustainable Future” (2009)


UNDP - Bureau for Development Policy, Energy and Environment Group, UNDP. Environmental Mainstreaming Strategy (2004)
聯合國開發計劃署 (UNDP) - 發展政策局,能量與環境組 - 環境主流策略 (2004年)

UNDP - The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
聯合國開發計劃署 (UNDP) - 千禧發展目標 (MDGs)

UNEP - Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment: Towards an Integrated Approach. Hussein A., Ron B., Barry S. (2004)
聯合國環境規劃署 (UNEP)  - 環境影響評估與策略性環境評估:邁向綜合性的方法 (2004年)

UNEP - Global Biodiversity Outlook: a mid-term assessment of progress towards the implementation of the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020 (2014) (只提供英文版本)

UNEP - Integrated Assessment of Trade Liberalization and Trade-Related Policies, Country Studies - Round II
聯合國環境規劃署 (UNEP) - 貿易自由化及與貿易有關政策的綜合性評估,國家個案研究 – 第二回

UNDP - Protecting the Ozone Layer and Reducing Global Warming (2014) (只提供英文版本)

UNEP - Mainstreaming Poverty-Environment Linkages into Development Planning: A Handbook for Practitioners (2009)

UNEP – Report of the Governing Council (17th session)
聯合國環境規劃署 (UNEP) - 管理委員會報告 (第17次會議)


UNEP – Vulnerability of people and the environment – challenges and opportunities (2009)

USA - Environmental Submissions to the WTO
美國 - 提交予世界貿易組織有關環境(保護)的資料




World Bank - Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook by World Bank Group (1998)
世界銀行 - 污染防治和緩解手冊 (1998年)PDF

World Bank -  Integrating the Environmental in Urban Development: Singapore as a Model of Good Practice, in Sustaining Cities: Environmental Planning and Management in Urban Design. Josef Leitmann (1999)
世界銀行 - 將環境考慮納入城市發展:良好典範 – 新加坡作為可持續的城市:城市設計的環境規劃及管理 Josef Leitmann (1999年)

World Bank - Environmental Assessment Sourcebook 1999 Chapter 1: The environmental review process
世界銀行 - 環境影響評估資料書(1999年)

World Bank - Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and Strategic Environmental Assessment Requirements – Practices and Lessons Learned in East and Southeast Asia
世界銀行 - 環境影響評估條例和策略性環境評估要求-東亞和東南亞獲得的實踐和教訓

World Bank -  Safeguard Dissemination Note No. 2: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and Strategic Environmental Assessment Requirements – Practices and Lessons Learned in East and Southeast Asia, 37-41. Environment & Social Development (2006)
世界銀行 -  Safeguard Dissemination Note No. 2: 環境影響評估條例與策略性環境評估規定 – 從東亞及東南亞的經驗所得,37-41. 環境與社會發展部 (2006年)

World Bank - Safeguard Dissemination Note No. 2: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and Strategic Environmental Assessment Requirements – Practices and Lessons Learned in East and Southeast Asia, 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, 59-61. Environment & Social Development (2006)
世界銀行 - Safeguard Dissemination Note No. 2: 環境影響評估條例與策略性環境評估規定 – 從東亞及東南亞的經驗所得,1, 2, 4, 10, 15, 59-61. 環境與社會發展部 (2006年)

World Bank - Operational Policy (OP 4.01) Environmental Assessment
世界銀行 - 業務政策(OP 4.01)

World Bank - Strategic Environmental Assessment : Improving Water Resources Governance and Decision Making (2010)) (只提供英文版本)

World Bank - Strategic Environmental Assessment for Policies : An Instrument for Good Governance (2008) (只提供英文版本)

World Bank - Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform : Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance (2011) (只提供英文版本)

World Bank - Assessing the Environmental, Forest, and Other Natural Resource Aspects of Development Policy Lending : A World Bank Toolkit
世界銀行 - 發展貸款政策中分析環境及自然資源方面的工具


b. 香港及中國大陸

1. "The Hong Kong Experience", Robert Law (December 1994)
2. Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment Principles in Developing a Sustainable Long-Term Physical Planning Framework, POLMET 97 Pollution in the Metropolitan Environment, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong, B.I. Dubin and Elvis Au (1997)
《運用策略性環境評估原則制訂可持續發展的長遠實體規劃架構》97 年城市環境國際會議,香港工程師學會,杜秉賢和區偉光 (1997)
3. "Implementation of EIA and Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hong Kong", Elvis Au (April 1999)
《在香港實施環評及策略性環評》區偉光 (1999年4月)
4. "EIA, SEA and Sustainable Development : Conceptual Issues of Integration and Their Implications for China", Proceedings of China Mainland-Hong Kong Symposium on Regional Environmental Impact Assessment, Volume 2, pp.47-60, Mao Wenfeng and Peter Hills (May 1999)
《環評、策略性環評和持續發展:兩地融合的概念問題和對中國的影響》中國內地與香港區域性環境影響評估研討會》,第 2 冊,第 47 至 60 頁, Mao Wenfeng 和 Peter Hills (1999年5月)
5. "Summary of Strategic Environmental Assessment Experience in Hong Kong", Proceedings of China Mainland-Hong Kong Symposium on Regional Environmental Impact Assessment, Volume 2, pp.43-46 (Chinese version), Victor Yeung (May 1999)
《香港的策略性環境影響評估經驗摘要》中國內地與香港區域性環境影響評估研討會》,第 2 冊,第 43 至 46 頁 ( 中文版 ) ,楊維德 (1999年5月)
6. "A New Era of EIA and Strategic Environmental Assessment for Strategies, Plans, Programmes and Projects in Hong Kong", Elvis Au (June 1999)
《香港的策略、計劃、活動和工程邁進環評和策略性環評的新紀元》區偉光 (1999年6月)
7. "Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hong Kong-The Past, The Present and The Future", Victor Yeung and C.F. Lau (June 2000)
《香港的策略性環評 – 過去、現在及將來》楊維德和劉志輝 (2000年6月)
8. "Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region-State of Play and Case Studies", Stanley Lau (October 2001)
《香港特別行政區的策略性環境評估 – 推行現況及個案研究》劉志輝 (2001年10月)
9. "A Proposed Model for Follow-up of Strategic Environmental Assessments", Simon Y. M. Hui (December 2002)
《策略性環境評估的建議跟進模式》許一鳴 (2002年12月)
10. "Discussion Note on the Techniques in Strategic Environmental Assessment", Y. T. Chan (December 2002)
《策略性環境評估技巧的討論文件》Y. T. Chan (2002年1
11. "Engaging and Enabling the Public to Participate in Strategic Environmental Assessment", T. L. Ng (December 2002)
《讓市民參與策略性環境評估》T. L. Ng (2002年12月)
12. "International Trend of Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Evolution of Strategic Environmental Assessment Development in HK", Elvis Au (December 2002)
《策略性環境評估國際趨勢及本港策略性的環境評估的發展》區偉光 (2002年12月)
13. "SEA Process in HKSAR" - Edited Version, Elvis Au (December 2002)
《香港特別行政區策略性環評程式》– 修訂版,區偉光 (2002年12月)
14. "Some Experience from the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Second Railway Development Study in HK", W. T. Yeung (December 2002)
《香港第二次鐵路發展研究的策略性環評經驗》楊維德 (2002年12月)
15. "Strategic Environmental Assessment for Long-Term Sustainable Planning", B. I. Dubin (December 2002)
《長遠可持續發展規劃的策略性環境評估》杜秉賢 (2002年12月)
16. "Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Current Situation and Sharing of Experience", H. M. Wong (December 2002)
《香港特別行政區的策略性環境評估 - 現況與經驗分享》, 黃漢明 (2002年12月)
17. "Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Third Comprehensive Transport Study", C. M. Cheung (December 2002)
《第三次整體運輸研究的策略性環境評估》C. M. Cheung (2002年12月)
18. "The Role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Nature Conservation, A Case Study of the HKSAR, China", C. C. Lay (December 2002)
《策略性環境評估對自然護理的作用 – 中國香港特別行政區個案研究》C. C. Lay (2002年12月)
19. "Workshop to Review National and International Experience with SEA Systems - SEA Process in Hong Kong Special Administration Region", Elvis Au (April 2002)
《策略性環評制度國際研討會 – 香港特別行政區的環評程式》區偉光 (2002年4月)
20. A speech by Qu Geping, a member of Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation Committee of National People’s Congress in 2003 全國人大環資委主任委員曲格平的發言 (3年)
21. Management Policy Research and Environmental Impact Assessment of Power Planning in China (2005)
中國能源規劃的環境影響評價及管理政策研究 (2005年)
22. Strategic environmental assessment and sustainable development”, Speech by Pan Yue, Vice Minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration of PRC in the 8th Green China Forum (2005)
戰略環評與可持續發展—潘岳副局長在第八屆綠色中國論壇上的發言 (2005

23. Theoretical and practical implementation on strategic environmental assessment in China (中國戰略環境評價的理論與實踐) 徐鶴 南開大學,戰略環境評價研究中心
24. Review of the Latest Practices on Environmental Evaluation of Tourism Policies and Proposals (2007)
檢討環境評估在旅遊政策和提案中的最新實踐 (2007年)(只提供英文版本)
25. Review of the World’s Latest Practices on Environmental Evaluation of Trade and Economic Policies and Actions and Formulation of a Referenced Document for Hong Kong on Strategic Environmental Assessment Review of such Policies and Actions (2007)
檢討世界最近期對商貿及經濟政策及行動的環境評估和制定香港對這類政策及行動的策略性環境評估參考文件 (2007年)
26. Review on the Latest Development in Environmental Protection Scrutiny and Strategic Environmental Assessment (2007)
檢討環境保護審查及策略性環境評估的最新發展 (2007年)
27. Review on the Latest Development in Evaluation Tools and Methodologies for Policy Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (2007)
檢討政策評估和策略性環評過程中的評估工具和方法的最新發展 (2007年)
28. Review on the Latest Practice in Environmental Evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment on Transportation Policies and Actions (2007)
檢討環境評估和策略性環評在運輸政策和行動中的最新實踐 (2007年)
29. Hong Kong - International Experience on Strategic Environmental Assessment
國際戰略環評經驗交流專輯 (2008)

30. China Sustainable Development Report 2012 - China's Sustainable Development in the Shifting Global Context (Simplified Chinese Only)