Call for Stories

In the cleanup of plastic pellets in 2012, community groups and individuals have demonstrated vitality of the civic society in Hong Kong, the power of strong organisation, the enormous synergy of government-community collaboration, as well as the public’s awareness of and concern for nature and the environment. In addition to organising cleanup operations for the plastic pellets, groups that are concerned with the cleanliness of our shorelines also conduct cleanup operations at different coastal areas of Hong Kong from time to time.

You are invited to share with us your experience in these cleanup operations. Your stories will help demonstrate how we can all work together to contribute to keeping our environment clean. You can provide information on your cleanup operations (e.g. getting help and organised, conditions of the coastal areas visited, how the plastic pellets or refuse items were retrieved, specific types of refuse found, etc.), elaborate the challenges you faced and the achievements you made, or express your thoughts and ideas on how we could all help in keeping the momentum going for keeping the shorelines clean. Apart from cleanup operations, other stories related to keeping the shorelines clean are also welcome. Submitted materials will be edited for publication on this website. If photos are included, please let us have them in either hardcopy, jpg or pdf format.

You can send us your materials by the following means:

  • Fax:2115 9045
  • Post:Clean Shorelines
    Environmental Protection Department
    46/F Revenue Tower
    5 Gloucester Road
    Wan Chai, Hong Kong