Advisory Council on the Environment

Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499)


(ACE-EIA Paper 11/2000)
For advice

Environmental Impact Assessment
Cyberport Development & Associated Engineering Infrastructure,
On-site Concrete Batching Plant - Material Change to the Approved EIA Report



This paper presents the key findings and recommendations of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the on-site concrete batching plant for Cyberport Development, submitted under section 6(2) of the EIA Ordinance (EIAO). A concrete batching plant is proposed in the Cyberport as a material change to the approved EIA report, entitled "Infrastructural Works for the Proposed Development at Telegraph Bay." A presentation will be given by the Cyber-Port Limited and their consultants.

Advice Sought

2. Members' views are sought on the findings and recommendations of the EIA report.

Need for the project

3. Cyber-Port Limited considered that a steady on-site supply of concrete is needed to replace delivery of ready-mixed concrete in concrete mixing trucks by sea or by road.

Description of Project

4. Construction commenced in September 1999 and the majority of the site area in Cyberport is now under a surcharge of 5 to 6 meter earth mound.

5. The proposed on-site concrete batching plant will be located along the seafront of the Cyberport site (see Figure 1). When viewed from Block 16-18 Baguio Villas at more than 300 meters away, both plants will be partially screened by existing earth mound and future commercial buildings in the Cyberport. The proposal will include:

6. A Stage 1 Plant : a mobile unit with total cement silo capacity of 45 tonnes. It will be used for 3 months before Stage 2 Plant operates. A Stage 2 Plant : a fixed unit with total cement silo capacity of 800 tonne.

7. When the Stage 2 plant is in operation, the Stage 1 unit will serve as a back up facility in case the Stage 2 plant is down. The concrete from the batching plant will be used solely within Cyberport. There will not be any off-site concrete delivery.

Views of the Director and relevant Authorities

8. The Director of Environmental Protection (DEP), in consultation with the relevant authorities, considers that the report meets the requirements of the EIA study Brief and the Technical Memorandum (TM) on Environmental Impact Assessment process provided that all recommendations of the EIA report will be strictly implemented. Comments from the ACE and the public will be taken into consideration before DEP makes the final decision regarding the approval of the EIA report.

Specific Environmental Aspects to Highlight

9. The operation of a concrete batching plant with a total cement silo capacity exceeding 50 tonnes is a specified process (SP) under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance. The Stage 2 plant will require a SP license for operation.

Operational Aerial Emission Impact

10. Full enclosures will be provided in the Stage 2 plant for the cement silos, concrete mixing and loading areas. The dust-laden air from these areas will be filtered and vented to dust collectors. With mitigation measures, the concrete batching plant is predicted to contribute 8 to 57 mg/m3 and 4 to 29 mg/m3 of 1-hr and 24-hr Total Suspended Particulate concentrations (TSP) respectively at 10-meter height at the air sensitive receivers (ASRs). This amounts to about 3 to 16 % and 6 to 27 % of the cumulative TSP predicted at the ASRs.

Construction and Operational Noise Impact

11. The concrete batching plant is more than 300 meters away from sensitive receivers. The cumulative noise impacts assessment shows that these receivers will be mostly affected by other concurrent construction activities in Cyberport conducted closer to these receivers.

12. With mitigation measures such as quiet equipment and percentage 'on-time' of equipment, the predicted noise levels at all the representative noise sensitive receivers would comply with the EIAO-TM criteria for residential dwellings and for schools during normal and examination periods. The increase in noise level at Block 16-18 Baguio Villas due to the contribution from the construction and operation of the concrete batching plant is about 1 dB(A). This amounts to 1% of the cumulative construction noise level of 75 dB(A) from the whole Cyberport Development.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)

13. The frequency on dust and noise impact monitoring of the current EM&A programme for the Cyberport Development will be stepped up when the Stage 1 concrete batching plant commences operation. The frequency of monitoring will be reviewed after the first month of the full operation of Stage 2 plant.

14. Real time reporting on the dust and noise data will be implemented for public access via internet.

Comments received so far from the public during the Public Inspection Period

15 Cyber-Port Limited have made the EIA report available for public inspection on 14 November 2000 and they will consult the Southern District Council on 30 November 2000. Members will be briefed at the meeting on any public comments received.

Environmental Protection Department
November 2000


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