Main Drainage Channels for Ngau Tam Mei, Yuen Long and Kam Tin
Title of EIA Main Drainage Channels for Ngau Tam Mei, Yuen Long and Kam Tin
Completion Date May 1996
EIAO Register Office Reference EIA-052/BC
Project Proponent Territory Development Department
Project Description The project involves
- the widening and channelisation of the downstream sections of the Shan Pui and Kam Tin Rivers; and
- the construction of new river channel section between the section of the Kam Tin River to the east of the Castle Peak Road, and the existing Kam Tin River meander near Kam Tin San Tsuen
Recommended environmentally friendly design measures of channels
The following on-site measures (Figures 8 and 9) have been recommended to reduce the habitat losses due to the project to a minimum
- planting of mangroves along certain sections of channel embankments of the Yuen Long and Kam Tin drainage channels;
- the channel bed of certain sections of the Yuen Long and Kam Tin drainage channels will be unlined to enable recolonisation of flora and fauna after the completion of works;
- use of grasscrete lining the side slopes to provide a grassy habitat;
- revegetation of embankment slopes to create a woodland; and
- retention of freshwater fish ponds within the channel mouth.
Figure 8 <click the figure above to zoom in>
Figure 9 <click the figure above to zoom in>
Photo above left: Workers plant mangrove seedlings on specially constructed platforms along the sides of the new river channel.
Above right: The young mangrove plants at high tide.
Below: This general view shows the extensive nature of the project and the considerable area of mangrove planting for wildlife habitat establishment.