Environmental Guidance Note for Sewage Pumping Stations which is not a Designated Project

6. Environmental Considerations and Mitigation Measures for Sewage Pumping Station

6.1 The following are the general environmental considerations required to be adopted during the planning and design of the sewage pumping station:
  • Check the sewage pumping station to determine whether it is a DP under the EIAO. If yes, the proponent department has to follow the requirements stipulated under the EIA Ordinance. Special attention should be paid on whether or not the project falling within or in the vicinity of an existing or gazetted proposed country park, special area, conservation area, marine park or marine reserve, site of specific scientific interest, fish culture zone, wild animal protection area, coastal protection area, bathing beach or site of cultural heritage, etc.;
  • Fulfill the relevant requirements stipulated in other environmental ordinances including the APCO, NCO, WPCO and WDO.
  • Make reference to the HKPSG Chapter 9 "Environment" and Chapter 10 "Conservation" for project planning, including site selection, in order to adopt a more environmentally friendly site as far as practicable. Section 7.4 "Pumping Stations and Sewage Treatment Works" under Chapter 7 "Utility Services" and Section 2.7.5(b) "Utility Service Facilities" under Chapter 4 of Recreation, Open Space and Greening are also relevant.
6.2 The following are specific environmental considerations and/or mitigation measures required to be adopted during the planning, design, construction and operation of the sewage pumping station:
  1. Air
    Odour Mitigation Measures
    1. provide enclosures and odour removal/control facilities such that the sewage pumping station will not cause odour nuisance at sensitive receptors;
    2. locate sewage pumping station as far as practicable from sensitive receptors; and
    3. properly arrange the transportation of screenings during maintenance so as to prevent odour impact.
    Dust Suppression Measures
    1. water exposed surface frequently;
    2. water all site-access roads frequently or treat with stabilisation chemicals; and
    3. control vehicle speed on site.
  2. Noise
    1. use silenced plants and equipments;
    2. enclose all plant and equipment in the pump hall or machine room as far as practicable. If any plant or equipment with potential noise impact is to be installed outdoors, appropriate mitigation measures should be provided;
    3. schedule the construction works such that the number and usage times of noisy equipment are reduced;
    4. physically separate the noise sources and the sensitive receivers (both existing and planned) as far as practicable;
    5. locate all openings, e.g. ventilation intake/exhaust and door, away from sensitive receivers;
    6. use acoustic louvres as standard ventilation louvres at pump hall/machine room; and
    7. keep pump hall/machine room door closed at all time.


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