Recommended Pollution Control Clauses for Construction Contracts
5. Waste Management
5.1 |
General requirements The Contractor shall observe and comply with the Waste Disposal Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations. |
5.2 |
Waste Minimisation
5.2.1 |
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a waste management plan with appropriate mitigation measures including the allocation of an area for waste segregation and shall ensure that the day-to-day site operations comply with the approved waste management plan. |
5.2.2 |
The Contractor shall minimise the generation of waste from his work. Avoidance and minimisation of waste generation can be achieved through changing or improving design and practices, careful planning and good site management. |
5.2.3 |
The Contractor shall ensure that different types of wastes are segregated on-site and stored in different containers, skips or stockpiles to facilitate reuse/recycling of waste and, as the last resort, disposal at different outlets as appropriate. |
5.2.4 |
The reuse and recycling of waste shall be practised as far as possible. The recycled materials shall include paper/cardboard, timber and metal etc. |
5.2.5 |
The Contractor shall ensure that Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials are sorted into public fill (inert portion) and C&D waste (non-inert portion). The public fill which comprises soil, rock, concrete, brick, cement plaster/mortar, inert building debris, aggregates and asphalt shall be reused in earth filling, reclamation or site formation works. The C&D waste which comprises metal, timber, paper, glass, junk and general garbage shall be reused or recycled and, as the last resort, disposal of at landfills. |
5.2.6 |
The Contractor shall record the amount of wastes generated, recycled and disposed of (including the disposal sites). |
5.2.7 |
The Contractor shall use a trip ticket system for the disposal of C&D materials to any designated public filling facility and/or landfill. |
5.2.8 |
Training shall be provided for workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedure, including waste reduction, reuse and recylcing. |
5.3 |
Waste Nuisance Control
5.3.1 |
The Contractor shall not permit any sewage, waste water or effluent containing sand, cement, silt or any other suspended or dissolved material to flow from the Site onto any adjoining land or allow any waste matter [or refuse] which is not part of the final product from waste processing plants to be deposited anywhere within the Site [or onto any adjoining land]. He shall arrange removal of such matter from the site [or any building erected or to be erected thereon] in a proper manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer in consultation with the Director of Environmental Protection. |
5.4 |
Chemical Waste Control
5.4.1 |
The Contractor shall observe and comply with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation. |
5.4.2 |
The Contractor shall apply for registration as chemical waste producer under the the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation when chemical waste is produced. All chemical waste shall be properly stored, labelled, packaged and collected in accordance with the Regulation. |