Acknowledged notification (LP01/RN/00443771)

Details of Acknowledged notification

Ref No. LP01/RN/00443771
District Tai Po

Lot 796, 798, 802 and 803 in DD 9, Yuen Leng, Tai Po, N.T.

Lot No.

Lot 796, 798, 802 and 803 in DD 9

Date of depositing activity
or land filling of construction waste
Between 01/03/2021 and 31/01/2022
Estimated total area of depositing activity
or land filling of construction waste
( m2 )
Estimated height of depositing activity
or land filling of construction waste
( m )
Company Name ( If any )

CHAU Kai-yin

Tel . Number ( If any )

9033 2913