Green Vehicle Repair Workshop

When there is leakage/spillage of chemicals and chemical wastes, be ready with dry sand, sawdust and other materials to tackle leaks. Put materials contaminated with chemicals into sealed proper disposal bags and handle them as chemical wastes.

Leakage/Spillage of Chemicals and Chemical Wastes

Leakage/Spillage Incidents

  • Formulate emergency response measures and brief all staff concerned of the measures; ready with dry sand, sawdust and other materials to tackle leaks.

  • Handle leaks properly. If the leak is a flammable chemical or is hazardous to human and the leakage is serious, help from the Fire Services Department should be sought promptly and the Environmental Protection Department should be informed as soon as possible.

  • Do not use water to wash away leaks and let the contaminated water go down the drain. Instead, use proper materials such as dry fine sand or absorbent cloth to clean up the leaks.

  • Put materials contaminated with chemicals into sealed proper disposal bags and handle them as chemical wastes

Hotlines for reporting emergency

Office Hours - Call separately to

  1. Fire Services Department (FSD)Emergency Hotline : 999

  2. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Hotline : 2838 3111

Non-Office Hours

Call FSD's emergency hotline promptly.

A Guide to the Chemical Waste Control Scheme

A Guide to the Registration of Chemical Waste Producers

Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes

Code of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste


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