Noisy Works

Noisy Works
(Breaking, Drilling, Hammering, Scaffolding & Material Handling)
Pollution Type
Relevant Env. Control Under the Noise Control Ordinance, Cap. 400, use of powered mechanical equipment and noisy work is not allowed from 7pm to 7am on the next day or anytime on public holidays, including Sundays.
Practical Solutions
Restrict noisy works and use of noisy equipment, e.g. hand-held breakers or electric drills, to less sensitive hours of the day
Use quiet machine, such as hydraulic crusher for demolition
Use noise barrier or absorber when using noisy machines
Use movable barrier to shield noise when using noisy equipment.
Use movable barrier to shield noise when using noisy equipment.
Liaise with the most affected residents to schedule noisy works in mutually acceptable hours and period
Avoid noisy activities before 9am
Fit noise muffler to noisy machines
Place rubber mat/pad beneath work benches and noisy machines