Reference Materials

Guidelines to Property Managers for Formulation of their House-rules to Protect the Environment

5. Waste Recovery in Housing Estates

  • To provide appropriate and sufficient waste separation and recovery facilities including, but not limited to, waste separation bins at common area convenient to the residents.
  • To ensure the waste separation and recovery facilities do not cause any fire hazard and are placed in locations not causing obstruction to any fire escape route.
  • To put a rubbish bin beside each set of waste separation bins for disposal of non-recyclables.
  • To maintain waste separation and recovery facilities in clean and working condition, replace damaged or discolored labels.
  • To promote waste separation by displaying posters at conspicuous locations.
  • To inform residents not to put contaminated wastes such as used personal hygiene products into the waste separation bins.
  • To arrange timely emptying of waste separation bins to avoid overflowing of the bins.
  • To store the collected recyclables properly to facilitate subsequent transfer to recyclers.
  • To ensure the collected recyclables are sent for recycling.
  • To keep proper record of all recyclables collection and transfer transactions.
  • To notify the residents of alternative arrangement in case the waste separation bins have to be temporarily removed or relocated due to various reasons such as building renovation.
  • To review the recovery results regularly and organize publicity campaigns to improve awareness and participation of the residents.

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