A Simple Guide to Set Up an Environmental Management System

A Simple Guide to Set Up an Environmental Management System

Carry Out An Initial Environmental Audit (Module 3)

An Initial Environmental Audit is .....

A management tool to evaluate the current environmental performance of an organization. It is a comprehensive, systematic, documented and objective evaluation of how well the organization is performing in the aspects of

  • Resources utilization;
  • Regulatory compliance; and
  • Environmental management.

What are the objectives of conducting an Initial Environmental Audit ?
What are the benefits of conducting an Initial Environmental Audit?
What are the key stages involved in an Initial Environmental Audit ?


Image of Steps to TakeImage of Steps to Take

Image of Record Your AchievementsImage of Record Your Achievements

What are the objectives of conducting an Initial Environmental Audit ?

The main objectives of the Initial Environmental Audit are to : -

  • Understand the environmental effects, impacts and consequences arising from the activities, products and services of the organization;
  • Evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements, company policies and accepted good practices;
  • Identify those significant environmental impacts and consequences;
  • Identify areas where environmental performance can be improved and set priorities where appropriate; and
  • Provide a documented basis for future audits.


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