Why ISO 14001 Certified? Answers from those who were certified


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Grand Tech Construction Co., Ltd. is trying – through individual endeavour and as a corporate body – to reduce our impact on the environment.  To get the ISO 14001 certificate is the first step to implement our commitment.  We recognize our responsibilities to the environment are committed to achieving best environmental practice throughout its business activities.  Environmental management system at Grand Tech is based upon continuous improvement consistent with current knowledge.
With regard to its overall environmental objectives and targets, Grand Tech will implement environmentally sound working practices throughout the company.  Also, we make a commitment to comply with all relevant legislation and regulations and, where reasonably practicable, exceed these standards.
Grand Tech will incorporate appropriate environmental factors into business decisions.  And we develop management processes and operational procedures whose functions are to prevent pollution and improve and manage environmental performance.
In order to reduce the impact, Grand Tech promise to reduce the consumption of raw materials, minimize the use of environmentally sensitive materials and promote the use of recycled materials, where possible.  At the same time, we ensure all waste is managed, treated and disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner and, wherever practicable, minimize waste.
Chan Hung Ming
Managing Director

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