Why ISO 14001 Certified? Answers from those who were certified

Redland Concrete Ltd.

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ISO14001 Certification

The construction industry in Hong Kong generally creates enormous quantities of waste.

As part of Redland's company philosophy and policy to always strive to be industry best, we believe it is part of our social responsibility to also care of our environment.

The challenge in a free market of course is to do this at minimal cost, ideally at a profit.

To a large extent of course, the financial viability of environmental solutions is based on government incentives to not pollute and disincentives against polluting.

We hope as the first independent concrete producer to achieve ISO14001 certification that we are leading the way for our industry, and displaying to our government, our customers and the people of Hong Kong, that the industry is ready and willing to participate in our societies environmental targets.

Mario Panuccio
General Manager


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