A Collection of Local and Overseas Environmental Performance Reports

Collection of environmental performance reports of government bureaux, departments and agencies (as of June 2009)Archives

The government structure of the HKSAR, as effective from 1 July 2002, is applicable to the environmental performance reports of government bureaux, departments and agencies for the reporting period of 2002 - 2004, which are presented in this webpage. (To views reports from 2005 - 2007, please click here).

The new government structure of the HKSAR, as effective from 1 July 2007, is applicable to the environmental performance reports of government bureaux, departments and agencies for the reporting period of 2008 onwards. (To views reports from 2008 onwards, please click here).

The previous government structure of the HKSAR, on of 30 June 2002, is applicable to the environmental performance reports of government bureaux, departments and agencies covering the reporting period from 1999 to end of 2001. (Please click here to view 1999 - 2001 environmental performance reports for details).

* Remarks:

  1. The Official Languages Agency was incorporated into the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) on 1 July 2003 and was renamed as Official Languages Division.
  2. The reorganisation of the Communications and Technology Branch (CTB) and the establishment of the office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) in the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau (CITB) with effect from July 1, 2004.
  3. The merger of Civil Engineering Department (CED) and Territory Development Department (TDD) into to a new Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) with effect from 1 July 2004.
  4. The Civil Service Training and Development Institute (CSTDI) is incorporated into the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) on 1 April 2004.
  5. The Government Logistics Department (GLD) is established on 1 July 2003 upon the merger of the previous Government Land Transport Agency, Government Supplies Department and Printing Department.
  6. The Information Technology Services Department (ITSD) and the IT-related divisions of the Communications and Technology Branch (CTB) of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau (CITB) were merged on 1 July 2004 to form the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO).
  7. For those reports indicated with "Yes" in black colour but without hyperlink, they are only available in hardcopy at the office of Compliance Assistance Centre.
Image of Government-related organizations
Image of Private corporations
Image of Overseas directories of environmental reports


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