Press Releases

Study to develop better recovery/recycling system

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (Tuesday) commissioned a consultancy study to formulate a strategic plan for a more effective waste recovery/ recycling system in Hong Kong.
The study will identify the major types of recyclable materials in the municipal waste stream and recommend the types of facilities for recovery, sorting and recycling of these materials. It will also identify outlets for the recovered materials.

The provision of such facilities is one of the waste management initiatives set out in the Government's Waste Reduction Framework Plan.

The study, which will include a review of overseas practice, was awarded to ERM-Hong Kong, Ltd. It will be completed in 15 months and will cost $4.91 million.

Speaking after the contract signing ceremony, Assistant Director of Environmental Protection, Mr John Rockey, said the strategic plan would provide more opportunities for the private sector.

"It will build on the existing strengths of the recycling trade and expand the opportunities for private sector initiatives to deliver cost-effective services.

"It will also identify the niches where the Government can render assistance to the trade," Mr Rockey said.

End/Tuesday, February 23, 1999


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