Press Releases

Study on septic tanks impact

The Environmental Protection Department has just commissioned a study to investigate the impact of septic tank discharges on the receiving environment in order to prevent potential pollution problems caused by the increasing number of small scale housing developments in unsewered areas.
The consultancy study will be conducted by Montgomery Watson Hong Kong Ltd and is expected to be completed within 18 months. It will cost $2 million.

Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Dr Malcolm Broom said: "Septic tanks and soakaways are the most commonly adopted on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems for small scale housing developments in unsewered areas.

"Such systems if not sited, designed, and operated properly can give rise to serious pollution problems.

"The study will assess the impact of effluent discharges from septic tanks on the aquatic receiving environment, and the consultants will make recommendations on appropriate management and control strategies for septic tank systems," he said.

End/Wednesday, February 24, 1999


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