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A Guide to Corporate Environmental Performance Reporting - Chapter 5
is good practice to provide a mechanism to encourage direct feedback on
the report from key target audiences, to handle enquiries, and to evaluate
the effectiveness of the report. The feedback can facilitate review for
improvement in the next reporting exercise.
Invite Feedback
are many ways to invite feedback, including:
- insert a reply
card along with the published report that invites the audience to respond
to similar questions;
- provide a contact
name and address in the report to encourage feedback from the audience
in writing or by phone; and
- hold formal or
informal meetings with interested audience groups or on a one-to-one
basis for feedback.
Attached below are
some examples of reply cards for reference.

Sample from British
Telecommunications plc: "Environmental Performance Report 1998"

Sample from CLP
Holdings Ltd.: "Environmental, Health and Safety Review 1997"
Evaluate Effectiveness of the Report
improve the quality of subsequent issues of the report, it is important
to evaluate its effectiveness after each publication.
could include:
- feedback and concerns
received from audiences;
- review report
style and content to suit changing conditions including audience expectations
and organizational policy, services and operations; and
- assess extent
to which the objectives of reporting are being met.