Is EIA a Report only ?
- An EIA is NOT simply a Report but is a Process to make the project better.
- The EIA process is a planning tool to avoid adverse environmental impacts arising from the proposed development.
- The EIA Report is therefore a documentation of the EIA process.
How do you see the use of EIA?
![]() Increasing level of attention |
- EIA is not solely for assessing impacts and identifying mitigation measures.
- Public participation is a key element.
- Increased attention in the EIA process to consider alternatives to avoid, minimise and mitigate adverse environmental impacts.
Is an EIA compulsory for Environmental Permit application for a Designated Project?
A Designated Project under schedule 2 of the EIA Ordinance should follow the statutory procedure and obtain an environmental permit before work begins.
For application of an Environmental Permit, a Designated Project can either go through an EIA process or permission to apply directly for Environmented Permit as indicated in the figure on the right.
There are sometimes confusions over the interpretation of 'EIA mechanism' and 'EIA under the EIAO'

Snapshots for EIA Ordinance in the EIA Mechanism
Commentaries in a Nutshell
What is the EIA Ordinance (EIAO)?
An Ordinance to provide for assessing the impact on the environment of certain projects and proposals for protecting the environmental and for incidental matter.
The Policy Objectives 2001 stated that the EIA mechanism provided for under the EIA Ordinance plays a significant role in balancing the need to protect the environment and development needs. It helps project proponents to pay due regard to environmental protection requirements, through evaluating potential impacts on the environment and the necessary prevention and mitigation measures, at the early stage of project planning and design.
The EIAO went into effect on 1st April 1998.
- The list of Designated Projects (DP) in Schedule 2 & 3 of the Ordinance are those having potential for adverse environmental impacts. They are drawn from a list of completed or on-going EIA studies.
- If the project is classified as a DP, it will need to go through the EIAO procedure.
- A person shall not construct or operate a DP without an Environmental Permit.
If you want to know more about the legislative framework of the EIAO, please click here.
When should an EIA be carried out?
"Conventional Way of Running a Project"
- Level of attention to environmental issues/problems during project concept and planning stage is low.
- Environmental problems are often identified at late stage of the project life cycle, such as detailed design and construction stage, with limited solution space.
Problems Encountered
Late focus might affect the overall project programme.Conventional Approach of running a Project
Solution space decreases over time in project planning hence a need for earlyfocus
"Recommended Approach"
Early dialogue and involvement - Need for a Mindset Change
The figure on the right illustrates when and how an EIA can contribute positively to the project progress.
- Early consideration of environmental issues helps reducing uncertainties or delay of project at later stage.
- EIA is a tool to identify alternative solution or design measures to avoid or minimise problems especially in project conceptual stage.
- The statutory EIAO procedure is only a part of the EIA process. There are other requirements such as Town Planning Ordinance and Lands Ordinance that need to be considered during project development.
Benefits of early consideration of environmental issues during the project cycle

1,800MW Gas-fired Power Station at Lamma Extension
Adoption of alternative fuel to avoid and reduce pollution loads.
EIA recommendation :
The sharing of facilities and services with the existing Lamma Power Station reduced reclamation. |