The Project
3D model
     New Boundary Bridge between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang     落馬洲至皇崗的新邊界大橋

Key Outcomes:
Problem Avoided

The proposed works area is partly within the Wetland Buffer Area and the Wetland Conservation Area. It is also zoned as Conservation Area in the San Tin Outline Zoning Plan. Commercial fishponds are found in the Lok Ma Chau area to the east and west of the proposed works site but not in its immediate vicinity. Aligning the new viaduct next to the existing Huanggang Bridge to avoid further infringement into the Conservation Area would result in no significant ecological impacts arising from the proposed Project in these areas.

Dredging at Seabed of Peng Chau, Tung Wan Gas-fired Power Station Extension at Lamma Kam Tin Secondary Drainage Channels KT13 Hong Kong Wetland Park Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline Sai Kung Drainage Improvement Repositioning and Long Term Operation Plan of Ocean Park KCRC East Rail Extension New Boundary Bridge between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline (Habitat Creation and Management Plan) background