The Project
3D model
     Dredging at Seabed of Peng Chau, Tung Wan    坪洲東灣海床疏浚工程
Key Outcomes:
Population Protected
Residential buildings/ school at a distance of 130 m and 200 m respectively from the nearest boundary of the proposed site,
The Coastal Protection Areas at a distance of about 50 m from the nearest boundary of the proposed site.
Problem Avoided
•  Avoid adverse noise impact to the residents / school at the hinterlands of Tung Wan, Peng Chau.
•  Avoid Water Quality Impact during dredging operation.
•  Protect Coastal Protection Areas during dredging operation.
Environmental Friendly Designs
•  Silt curtain around grab was used to reduce Water Quality Impact due to the marine works.
Restricted to no more than one derrick lighter and one backhoe at any one time. Closed grab was used for dredging and the dredging rate was restricted to not exceeding 100 cubic metre per day at all time throughout the dredging operation so as to minimize the Noise Impact and Water Quality Impact.
•  The project was restricted to implement between March and May to avoid the bathing season.
Figure 1 - Location plan of Dredging at Seabed of Peng Chau, Tung Wan
Figure 2 - Location of nearest sensitive receivers of the proposed project
Figure 3 - One derrick lighter and a backhoe with closed grab used throughout the entire dredging operation
Figure 4&5 - Frame-type silt curtain at the location of dredging
Dredging at Seabed of Peng Chau, Tung Wan Gas-fired Power Station Extension at Lamma Kam Tin Secondary Drainage Channels KT13 Hong Kong Wetland Park Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline Sai Kung Drainage Improvement Repositioning and Long Term Operation Plan of Ocean Park KCRC East Rail Extension New Boundary Bridge between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline (Habitat Creation and Management Plan) background