Job No.: TCS00757/15










DSD Contract No. DC/2013/09 ¡V

Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works ¡V Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road










22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report ¡V July 2017









Prepared For





Tsun Yip Waterworks Construction Co Ltd













Reference No.

Prepared By

Certified By


14 August 2017



Martin Li

(Assistant Environmental Consultant)

Tam Tak Wing

(Environmental Team Leader)






9 August 2017

First Submission


14 August 2017

Amended against IEC¡¦s comments











executive summary

ES.01      This is the 22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Report covering the period from 1 to 31 July 2017 (the Reporting Period).


Environmental Monitoring and Audit Activities

ES.02      Environmental monitoring activities under the EM&A program in this Reporting Period are summarized in the following table.



Environmental Monitoring Parameters / Inspection


Air Quality

1-hour TSP


24-hour TSP


Construction Noise

LAeq(30min) Daytime


Inspection / Audit

ET Regular Environmental Site Inspection


IEC Monthly Environmental Site Audit



Breach of Action and Limit (A/L) Levels

ES.03      No exceedance of air quality and construction noise monitoring were recorded in this Reporting Period.  No Notification of Exceedance (NOE) was therefore issued.  The statistics of environmental exceedance, NOE issued and investigation of exceedance are summarized in the following table.


Environmental Issues

Monitoring Parameters

Action Level

Limit Level

Event & Action

NOE Issued


Corrective Actions

Air Quality

1-hour TSP






24-hour TSP






Construction Noise







Note:   NOE ¡V Notification of Exceedance


Environmental Complaint

ES.04      No environmental complaint was recorded or received in this Reporting Period.  The statistics of environmental complaint are summarized in the following table.


Reporting Period

Environmental Complaint Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017





Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

ES.05      No environmental summons or successful prosecutions were recorded in this Reporting Period.  The statistics of environmental complaint are summarized in the following tables.


Reporting Period

Environmental Summons Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017






Reporting Period

Environmental Prosecution Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017





Reporting Change

ES.06      There were no reporting changes in the Reporting Period.


Site Inspection by External Parties

ES.07      In the Reporting Period, joint site inspection to evaluate the site environmental performance by the RE, ET and the Contractor was carried out on 6, 13, 20 and 25 July 2017.  Furthermore, IEC attend site inspection was on 25 July 2017.  No non-compliance was noted.


Future Key Issues

ES.08      As wet season is approaching, special attention should be paid to avoid ingress of surface runoff into nearby water bodies from the construction site.  Water quality mitigation measures should be fully implemented.


ES.09      Air quality mitigation measures including wheel wash facilities, watering of haul roads and covering of dusty materials with tarpaulin sheet, etc. should be properly maintained.  Moreover, the contractor should be to prevent mosquito breeding on site.




Table of Contents

1     Introduction   1

1.1            Project Background   1

1.2            Report Structure  2

2     Project Organization and Construction progress  3

2.1            Project Organization and Management Structure  3

2.2            Construction Progress  3

2.3            Summary of Environmental Submissions  3

3     Summary of Impact Monitoring Requirement   4

3.1            General  4

3.2            Monitoring Parameters  4

3.3            Monitoring Locations  4

3.4            Monitoring Frequency and Period   4

3.5            Monitoring Equipment  5

3.6            Determination of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels  6

3.7            Event Action Plan   6

4     monitoring methdology   7

4.1            Air Quality Monitoring   7

4.2            Construction Noise Monitoring   7

4.3            Data Management and Data QA/QC Control  8

5     Impact Monitoring Results  9

5.1            General  9

5.2            Results of Air Quality Monitoring   9

5.3            Results of Construction Noise Monitoring   10

6     Waste Management   11

6.1            General Waste Management  11

6.2            Records of Waste Quantities  11

7     Site Inspection   12

7.1            Requirements  12

7.2            Findings / Deficiencies During the Reporting Month   12

8     Environmental Complaint and Non-Compliance   14

8.1            Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution   14

9     Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures  15

9.1            General Requirements  15

9.2            Tentative Construction Activities in the Coming Month   15

9.3            Key Issues for the Coming Month   16

10   Conclusions and Recommentations  17

10.1          Conclusions  17

10.2          Recommendations  17



List of TABLES

Table 2-1          Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits

Table 3-1          Summary of EM&A Requirements

Table 3-2          Proposed Air Quality and Construction Noise Monitoring Locations

Table 3-3          Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-4          Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-5          Action and Limit Levels for 24-Hr TSP and 1-Hr TSP Air Quality, mg/m3

Table 3-6          Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Table 5-1          Summary of 1-Hour TSP Monitoring Results, mg/m3

Table 5-2          Summary of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results, mg/m3

Table 5-3          Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results, dB(A)

Table 6-1          Summary of Quantities of Inert C&D Materials for the Project

Table 6-2          Summary of Quantities of C&D Wastes for the Project

Table 7-1          Site Observations

Table 8-1          Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Table 8-2          Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Table 8-3          Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution

Table 9-1          Environmental Mitigation Measures



List of Appendices

Appendix A      General Layout of Advance Works and Main Works of SWHSTW Further Expansion Phase 1A

Appendix B      Layout Plan of the Contract

Appendix C      Organization Structure and Contact Details of Relevant Parties

Appendix D      3-Month Rolling Program of the Project

Appendix E       Proposed Monitoring Locations

Appendix F       Event Action Plan

Appendix G      Valid Calibration Certificates

Appendix H      Impact Monitoring Schedule

Appendix I        24-hour TSP and Construction Noise Monitoring Data

Appendix J       Graphical Plots

Appendix K      Meteorological Data during the Reporting Month

Appendix L       Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table

Appendix M      Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (ISEMM)





1                             Introduction

1.1                       Project Background

1.1.1                 The existing Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works (hereafter referred as ¡§SWHSTW¡¨) with secondary level treatment to sewage collected from Sheung Shui, Fanling and adjacent areas is operated and maintained by Drainage Services Department (hereafter referred as ¡§DSD¡¨).  Based on the preliminary design of the Project, the scope of works for the Project comprises the following major components:

(a)           Demolition of the existing Inlet Works and construction of the new Inlet Works, including inlet pumping station, screening and degritting facilities;

(b)          Demolition of 4 existing circular Primary Sedimentation Tanks (PSTs) and construction of new rectangular PSTs;

(c)           Construction of new pre-membrane screens;

(d)          Modification of existing Bioreactor (BR) 1 and 2 to suit the proposed membrane bioreactor (MBR) process;

(e)           Construction of a new standby Bioreactor;

(f)           Demolition of 4 existing circular Final Sedimentation Tanks (FSTs) and construction of new Membrane Tanks and Membrane Facility Building;

(g)           Reconstruction of sludge treatment facilities, including thickening, anaerobic digestion, biogas handling, sludge holding and dewatering facilities; and

(h)          Other ancillary works.


1.1.2                 According to the Project implementation programme, the construction of most of the above proposed works (hereinafter referred to as ¡§Main Works¡¨) will be commencement in 2016 and completion in 2022.  Furthermore, Advance Works as part of the above proposed works will carry out before Main Works commencement.  The Advance Works will be commencement in third quarter of 2015 and comprise the following major components:

(a)           Modification of BR1, through upgrading of electrical and mechanical (E&M) equipment and minor civil works, to suit the proposed MBR process;

(b)          Demolition of FSTs 1 and 2 and construction of Membrane Tanks and the first phase of Membrane Facility Building; and

(c)           Tree felling and transplanting, to facilitate timely construction of the new Inlet Works during the implementation of Main Works (under review).


1.1.3                 The general layout of Advance Works and Main Works of SWHSTW Further Expansion Phase 1A show in Appendix A.  Subsequent to Further Expansion Phase 1A, the SWHSTW will be further expanded under separate projects (namely Further Expansion Phase 1B and Phase 2).


1.1.4                 In July 2015, Tsun Yip Waterworks Construction Co Ltd (hereinafter referred as ¡§Tsun Yip¡¨ or ¡§the Contractor¡¨) has awarded the DSD Contract No. DC/2013/09 ¡V Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works ¡V Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road (hereinafter referred as ¡§the Contract¡¨).  The Contract is the Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works as part of SWHSTW Further Expansion which is a Designated Project under Environmental Permit number FEP-01/474/2013 (hereinafter referred as ¡§the FEP-01/474/2013¡¨ or ¡§the EP¡¨).


1.1.5                 The works under the Contract at Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works will be included the conversion of one existing bioreactor and two existing final sedimentation tanks into one membrane bioreactor.  Moreover, construction of about 1.5 kilometres length of sewers at Ping Che Road and other ancillary works will be undertaken.  The works of Contract are scheduled to be conduct about 25 months.  Layout plan of the Contract is shown in Appendix B.


1.1.6                 Action-United Environmental Services & Consulting (hereinafter referred as ¡§AUES¡¨) was appointed by the Contractor as an Environmental Team (hereinafter referred as ¡§the ET¡¨) to implement the relevant EM&A program in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual, as well as the associated duties. 


1.1.7                 As part of the EM&A program, baseline monitoring is required to determine the ambient environmental conditions.  Hence baseline monitoring including air quality and noise were carried out between 28 August 2015 and 12 September 2015 at the proposed locations before construction work commencement.  The ¡§Baseline Monitoring Report (TCS00757/15/600/R0014 Version 2)¡¨ had submitted to EPD by the DSD before commencement of major construction works and approved by the IEC on 24 September 2015.  Further to Tsun Yip¡¦s instructions, the EM&A program was commenced on 1 October 2015 and the monitoring schedule had been issued to relevant parties on 29 September 2015.


1.1.8                 This is the 22nd Monthly EM&A Report presenting the monitoring results and inspection findings for the reporting period from 1 to 31 July 2017.


1.2                       Report Structure

1.2.1                 The Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report is structured into the following sections:-

Section 1       Introduction

Section 2       Project Organization and Construction Progress

Section 3       Summary of Monitoring Requirements

Section 4       Monitoring Methodology

Section 5       Impact Monitoring Results

Section 6       Waste Management

Section 7       Site Inspections

Section 8       Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliance

Section 9       Implementation Statues of Mitigation Measures

Section 10     Conclusions and Recommendation





2                             Project Organization and Construction progress

2.1                       Project Organization and Management Structure

2.1.1                 Organization structure and contact details of relevant parties with respect to on-site environmental management are shown in Appendix C.


2.2                       Construction Progress

2.1.2                 3-Month Rolling Programme of the Project is enclosed in Appendix D and the major construction activities undertaken in this Reporting Month are illustrated in Appendix B and listed below:-


Ÿ    Dismantle & Erection of formworks, steel fixing works, concreting, and erection of temporary metal falsework (At membrane facility building)

Ÿ    Excavation, pipe laying of CLP cable duct

Ÿ    Pipe installation for DN1600 BR1 Effluent Pipe (Near Bioreactor No1)

Ÿ    Erection of formwork of wall of pretreatment screen chamber (Near Bioreactor No.1)

Ÿ    Installation of  FRP Baffle Wall and Walkway (At Bioreactor No.1)
Excavation, Installation of sheet pile , Pipelaying  for DN1400 RAS Pipe (Near Bioreactor No1)

Ÿ    Modification of existing signal cable of wifi station


2.3                       Summary of Environmental Submissions

2.1.3                 Summary of the relevant permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Project in this Reporting Period is presented in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1      Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits



License/Permit Status


Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Notified EPD on 30 July 2015


Chemical waste Producer Registration

(WPN: 5213-624-T3148-04)

Application date: 19/08/2015

Date approved: 18/9/2015


Water Pollution Control Ordinance

(Discharge License: WT00022503-2015)

Application date: 19/08/2015

Date approved: 18/9/2015


Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste (Account Number: 7022898)

Granted on 02/09/2015


2.1.4                 In accordance with the Further EP No. FEP-01/474/2013 Condition 2.3, an Updated Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual (TCS00757/15/600/R0012v3) which certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC), has submitted to DSD and EPD endorsement.


2.1.5                 Baseline Monitoring Report (TCS00757/15/600/R0014v2) as certified by the ETL and verified by the IEC was submitted to the EPD on 24 September 2015 for endorsement.



3                             Summary of Impact Monitoring Requirement

3.1                       General

3.1.1                 The Environmental Monitoring and Audit requirements are set out in the Updated EM&A manual. Environmental issues such as air quality and construction noise were identified as the key issues during the construction phase of Advance Works of the Project.


3.1.2                 A summary of EM&A programme of construction phase are presented in the sub-sections below.


3.2                       Monitoring Parameters

3.2.1                 The EM&A programme of construction phase shall cover the following environmental issues:

                     Air quality; and

                     Construction noise


3.2.2                 A summary of the monitoring parameters is presented in Table 3-1 below

Table 3-1         Summary of EM&A Requirements

Environmental Issue


Air Quality

Ÿ  1-hour TSP by Real-Time Portable Dust Meter; and

Ÿ  24-hour TSP by High Volume Air Sampler.

Construction Noise

Ÿ  Leq(30min) during normal working hours; and

Ÿ  Leq(15min) for the construction works undertaken in Restricted Hours, if necessary.


3.3                       Monitoring Locations

3.3.1                 According to the Updated EM&A Manual of Advance Works which submitted to EPD on 25 August 2015, three air quality sensitive receivers and two construction noise sensitive receivers are proposed to monitor the environmental performance of the Contract. The proposed monitoring locations are summarized in Table 3-2 and shown in Appendix E.

Table 3-2        Proposed Air Quality and Construction Noise Monitoring Locations


Station ID



Air Quality


No. 31 Wai Loi Tsuen

1- hour and 24- hour TSP


Fu Tei Au

1- hour


RE¡¦s Site Office

24- hour TSP



No. 31 Wai Loi Tsuen



Fu Tei Au



3.4                       Monitoring Frequency and Period

3.4.1                 The requirements of baseline monitoring are stipulated in Sections 2.1.7 and 3.2.5 of the Updated EM&A Manual and presented as follows.


Air Quality Monitoring

3.4.2                 Monitoring frequency for air quality baseline monitoring is as follows:

Ÿ   1-Hour TSP

3 sets of 1-hour TSP monitoring shall be carried out once in every six days.

Ÿ   24-Hour TSP

24-hour shall be carried out once in every six days.


Noise Monitoring

3.4.3                 Construction noise monitoring should be carried out at the designated monitoring station when there are Project-related construction activities being undertaken within a radius of 300m from the monitoring stations. The monitoring frequency should depend on the scale of the construction activities.  An initial guide on the monitoring is to obtain one set of 30-minute measurement at each station between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays at a frequency of once a week when construction activities are underway.


3.4.4                 If construction works are extended to include works during the hours of 1900 - 0700, additional weekly impact monitoring shall be carried out during evening and night-time works. Applicable permits under NCO shall be obtained by the Contractor.


3.5                       Monitoring Equipment

Air Quality Monitoring

3.5.1                 The 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.  If the ET proposes to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, it shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to approve.


3.5.2                 The filter paper of 24-hour TSP measurement shall be determined by HOKLAS accredited laboratory.


3.5.3                 All equipment as used air quality monitoring is listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3         Air Quality Monitoring Equipment



24-Hr TSP

High Volume Air Sampler

TISCH High Volume Air Sampler, HVS Model TE-5170

Calibration Kit

TISCH Model TE-5025A

1-Hour TSP

Portable Dust Meter

Sibata LD-3 Laser Dust monitor Particle Mass Profiler & Counter


Wind Data Monitoring Equipment

3.5.4                 According to the Updated EM&A Manual Sections, alternative methods to obtain representative wind data was proposed by the ET.  Meteorological information as extracted from ¡§the Hong Kong Observatory Ta Kwu Ling Station¡¨ is alternative method to obtain representative wind data.  For Ta Kwu Ling Station, it is located nearby the Project site.  Moreover, this station is situated the sea level above 15mPD.  The station¡¦s wind data monitoring equipment is set above the existing ground ten meters in compliance with the general setting up requirement.  Furthermore, this station can also provide the humidity, rainfall, and air pressure and temperature etc. meteorological information.  In a lot of Hong Kong development projects, weather information extracted from Hong Kong Observatory is a common alternative method if installation of weather station is not allowed.


Noise Monitoring

3.5.5                 Sound level meter in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be used for carrying out the noise monitoring.  The sound level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator.  The wind speed shall be checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m s-1.


3.5.6                 Noise monitoring equipment to be used for impact monitoring is listed in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4         Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment



Integrating Sound Level Meter

Rion NL-52


NC - 73

Portable Wind Speed Indicator

Testo Anemometer


3.5.7                 Sound level meters listed above comply with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications, as recommended in TM issued under the NCO.  The acoustic calibrator and sound level meter to be used in the baseline monitoring will be calibrated yearly.


3.6                       Determination of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels

3.6.1                 According to the baseline monitoring results and the Updated EM&A Manual, the air quality and construction noise criteria were set up, namely Action and Limit levels are listed in Tables 3-5 & 3-6 as below.

Table 3-5        Action and Limit Levels for 24-Hr TSP and 1-Hr TSP Air Quality, £gg m-3

Monitoring Stations

Action Level (mg/m3)

Limit Level (mg/m3)





















Table 3-6         Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Monitoring Stations

Action Level

Limit Level in dB(A)

Time Period: 0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays

NM1 and NM2

When one documented complaint is received

> 75* dB(A)

Note:     (*)      Reduces to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during the school examination periods.


3.7                       Event Action Plan

3.7.1                 If non-compliance or exceedance of the Action/Limit Levels is occurred, actions shall be taken in accordance with the Event Action Plan in Appendix F.



4                             monitoring methdology

4.1                       Air Quality Monitoring

Monitoring Location

4.1.1                 The detailed information of air quality monitoring stations referred to Table 3-2 and the graphical plot of monitoring locations shown in Appendix E in this report.


Monitoring Equipment

4.1.2                 All the monitoring equipment to be used in the EM&A program as listed in Table 3-3 has been agreed with the IEC.


Monitoring Procedures

1-hour TSP

4.1.3                 The 1-hour TSP monitor, a Sibata LD-3 Laser Dust monitor Particle Mass Profiler & Counter was used for baseline monitoring, which is a portable, battery-operated laser photometer. The 1-hour TSP meter provides a real time 1-hour TSP measurement based on 900 light scattering. The 1-hour TSP monitor consisted of the following:

a.              A pump to draw sample aerosol through the optic chamber where TSP is measured;

b.             A sheath air system to isolate the aerosol in the chamber to keep the optics clean for maximum reliability; and

c.              A built-in data logger compatible with Windows based program to facilitate data collection, analysis and reporting.


4.1.4                 The 1-hour TSP meter used is within the valid period, calibrated by the manufacturer prior to purchasing. Zero response of the instrument was checked before and after each monitoring event.  Operation of the 1-hour TSP meter was follow manufacturer¡¦s Operation and Service Manual.  A valid calibration certificate is attached in Appendix G.


24-hour TSP

4.1.5                 The equipment used for 24-hour TSP measurement is a Tisch Environmental, Inc. Model TE-5170 TSP high volume air sampling system, which complied with EPA Code of Federal Regulation, Appendix B to Part 50. The High Volume Air Sampler (HVS) consists of the following:

a.              An anodized aluminum shelter;

b.             A 8¡¨x10¡¨ stainless steel filter holder;

c.              A blower motor assembly;

d.             A continuous flow/pressure recorder;

e.              A motor speed-voltage control/elapsed time indicator;

f.              A 7-day mechanical timer, and

g.              A power supply of 220v/50 hz


4.1.6                 Prior to 24-hour TSP monitoring, the HVS was calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer¡¦s instruction using the NIST-certified standard calibrator (Tisch Calibration Kit Model TE-5028A).  The 24-hour TSP Monitoring using the HVS was also processed in accordance with the manufacturer¡¦s Operations Manual.  A valid calibration certificate of the calibration kit with the certificate of HVS calibrated is attached in Appendix G.


4.1.7                 24-hour TSP was collected by the ET on filters of HVS and quantified by a local HOKLAS accredited laboratory, ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd (ALS), upon receipt of the samples.  The ET keeps all the sampled 24-hour TSP filters in normal air conditioned room conditions, i.e. 70% HR (Relative Humidity) and 25oC, for six months prior to disposal.


4.2                       Construction Noise Monitoring


Monitoring Location

4.2.1                 The detailed information of construction noise monitoring stations referred to Table 3-2 and the graphical plot of monitoring locations shown in Appendix E in this report.


Monitoring Equipment

4.2.2                 All the monitoring equipment to be used in the EM&A program as listed in Table 3-3 has been agreed with the IEC.


4.2.3                 Sound level meter listed in Table 3-4 is complied with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications, as recommended in Technical Memorandum (TM) issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).  A valid of calibration certificates including sound level meter and an acoustic were shown in Appendix G.


Monitoring Procedures

4.2.4                 The noise measurement was performed with the meter set to FAST response and on the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq).  Leq(30min) in six consecutive Leq(5 min) measurements were used as the monitoring parameter throughout the baseline monitoring period.


4.2.5                 During the monitoring, the sound level meter was mounted on a tripod at a height of about 1.2 m and placed at the monitoring locations and oriented such that the microphone was pointed to the site with the microphone facing perpendicular to the line of sight. The windshield was fitted for the measurement.  For construction noise monitoring, all monitoring stations were conducted 1 m from the exterior of the building façade.


4.2.6                 Prior to noise measurement, the accuracy of the sound level meter was checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency.  The calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within 1.0dB.


4.2.7                 During the noise measurement, a portable wind speed meter was used to check wind speed (m/s).  For impact noise monitoring, no wind speed was exceeding 5m/s or gusts exceeding 10m/s.  Also, noise measurement in time was no fog and rain.


4.3                       Data Management and Data QA/QC Control

4.3.1                 The monitoring data were handled by the ET¡¦s in-house data recording and management system.


4.3.2                 The monitoring data recorded in the equipment were downloaded directly from the equipment at the end of each monitoring day.  The downloaded monitoring data were input into a computerized database properly maintained by the ET.  The laboratory results were input directly into the computerized database and checked by personnel other than those who input the data.


4.3.3                 For monitoring parameters that require laboratory analysis, the local laboratory shall follow the QA/QC requirements as set out under the HOKLAS scheme for the relevant laboratory tests.



5                             Impact Monitoring Results

5.1                       General

5.1.1                 Air quality and construction noise monitoring scheduled in the Reporting Period is enclosed in Appendix H and the monitoring results are shown in the following sub-sections.


5.2                       Results of Air Quality Monitoring

5.2.1                 The results for 24-hour and 1-hour TSP are summarized in Tables 5-1 to 5-2.  The 24-hour TSP data are shown in Appendix I and graph plots including 1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP are shown in Appendix J.

Table 5-1         Summary of 1-Hour TSP Monitoring Results, mg/m3




Start Time

1st Meas.

2nd Meas.

3rd Meas.

Start Time

1st Meas.

2nd Meas.

3rd Meas.

















































(31 - 74)


(43 - 79)


Table 5-2         Summary of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results, mg/m3



















Average (Range)


(19 ¡V 46)


(21 ¡V 31)


5.2.2                 As shown in Tables 5-1 and 5-2, the 24-hour and 1-hour TSP monitoring results were below the Action/ Limit Level.  No Notification of Exceedances (NOE) of air quality criteria or corrective action was therefore required.


5.2.3                 The meteorological data during the Reporting Month is summarized in Appendix K.


5.2.4                 Construction dust assessment for short term impact was undertaken in the EIA study.  In view of the current contract, monitoring locations AM1 and AM2a are not an ASR during the EIA study and therefore no prediction was made.  For 1-hour TSP monitoring location AM2, it is very near the assessment point FLN-E13 in the EIA.  According to the EIA prediction, the predicted result for Tier 2 in assessment year 2018 is 91.0£gg/m3 for 1-hour TSP and the cumulative 1-hour concentrations would comply with the respective criteria and adverse short-term construction dust impact is not anticipated. It is concluded that the overall 1-hour TSP monitoring result in the Reporting Period is comparable to the EIA prediction. 


5.3                       Results of Construction Noise Monitoring

5.3.1                 In the Reporting Period, a total of 8 event noise measurements were carried out at the two designated locations.  During construction noise monitoring, the sound level meter was set in 1m from the exterior of the building façade.  Therefore, no façade correction (+3dB(A)) is added according to acoustical principles and EPD guidelines.  The construction noise monitoring results at the designated locations are summarized in Table 5-3.  The detailed noise monitoring data are presented in Appendix I and the relevant graphical plots are shown in Appendix J.


Table 5-3         Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results, dB(A)




Time of Measurement


Time of Measurement






















Limit Level

75 dB(A)


5.3.2                 As shown in Table 5-3, the noise level measured at the designated monitoring locations are well below 75dB(A).  Furthermore, there was no noise complaints (Action Level exceedance) received by the RE, Contractors or DSD in the Reporting Period.  Therefore, no Action or Limit Level exceedance was triggered and no corrective action was required.



6                             Waste Management

6.1                       General Waste Management

6.1.1                 Waste management was carried out by an on-site Environmental Officer or an Environmental Supervisor from time to time.


6.2                       Records of Waste Quantities

6.2.1                 All types of waste arising from the construction work are classified into the following:

l  Construction & Demolition (C&D) Material;

l  Chemical Waste;

l  General Refuse; and

l  Excavated Soil.


6.2.2                 The quantities of waste for disposal in this Reporting Period are summarized in Tables 6-1 and 6-2 and the Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table is shown in Appendix L.  Whenever possible, materials were reused on-site as far as practicable.

Table 6-1         Summary of Quantities of Inert C&D Materials for the Project

Type of Waste


Disposal Location

Prior Months

Reporting Month


Total C&D Materials (Inert) (in '000m3)





Hard Rock and Large Broken Concrete (Inert) (in ¡¥000m3)





Reused in this Project (Inert) (in '000 m3)





Reused in other Projects (Inert) (in '000 m3)





Disposal as Public Fill (Inert) (in '000 m3)




Tuen Mun 38


Table 6-2        Summary of Quantities of C&D Wastes for the Project

Type of Waste


Disposal Location

Prior Months

Reporting Month


Metals (¡¥000kg)





Paper / Cardboard Packing (¡¥000kg)





Plastics (¡¥000kg)





Chemical Wastes (¡¥000kg)





General Refuses (¡¥000m3)







7                             Site Inspection

7.1                       Requirements

7.1.1                 According to the Updated EM&A Manual, the environmental site inspection shall be formulated by ET Leader.  Weekly environmental site inspections should carry out to confirm the environmental performance.


7.2                       Findings / Deficiencies During the Reporting Month

7.2.1                 In the Reporting Period, joint site inspection to evaluate the site environmental performance by the RE, ET and the Contractor has been carried out on 6, 13, 20 and 25 July 2017.  Furthermore, IEC attend site inspection was on 25 July 2017.  No non-compliance was noted.


7.2.2                 Observations for the site inspections and monthly audit within this Reporting Period are summarized in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1      Site Observations


Findings / Deficiencies

Follow-Up Status

27 June 2017

Ÿ  Muddy sludge was observed on the ground near main building. The contractor was advised to clean the sludge as soon as possible.


Ÿ  The contractor was reminded to clean stagnant water near worker rest area.

Ÿ  Suldge was removed from site area. Last observation closed.



Ÿ  Not required for reminder.

6 July 2017

Ÿ  Chemical container was observed without drip  tray. The contractor was advised to provide drip tray for chemical container on-site.


Ÿ  The contractor was reminded to clean water pounding within site area.

Ÿ  Chemical container was removed from site. Last observation closed.



Ÿ  Not required for reminder.

13 July 2017

Ÿ  Chemical containers were observed without drip  tray on the main building. The contractor was advised to provide drip tray for chemical container on-site.


Ÿ  The contractor was reminded to dispose scattered waste such as cans and plastic bottle within main building regularly

Ÿ  Chemical containers were removed from site. Last observation closed.



Ÿ  Not required for reminder.

20 July 2017

Ÿ  Accumulation of stagnant water was observed. The contractor was advised to clear the stagnant water to aviod mosquito breeding.


Ÿ  The contractor was reminded to perform house-keeping throughout construction period.

Ÿ  Larvicidual oil was sprayed within site area. Last observation closed.



Ÿ  Not required for reminder.

25 July 2017

Ÿ  No adversed environmental issue was observed during site inspection.



7.2.3             In the Reporting Period, the overall environmental performance was considered satisfactory.


8                             Environmental Complaint and Non-Compliance

8.1                       Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution

8.1.1                 No environmental complaint, summons and prosecution was received in this reporting period. The statistical summary table of environmental complaint is presented in Tables 8-1, 8-2 and 8-3.


Table 8-1      Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Reporting Period

Environmental Complaint Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017





Table 8-2      Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Reporting Period

Environmental Summons Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017





Table 8-3      Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution

Reporting Period

Environmental Prosecution Statistics



Complaint Nature

1 to 31 July 2017





9                             Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

9.1                       General Requirements

9.1.1                 The environmental mitigation measures that recommended in the Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (ISEMM) in the Updated EM&A Manual covered the issues of dust, noise, water and waste and they are summarized presented in Appendix M.


9.1.2                 The Contract under the Project shall be implementing the required environmental mitigation measures according to the Updated EM&A Manual as subject to the site condition.  Environmental mitigation measures generally implemented by the Contract in this Reporting Period are summarized in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1      Environmental Mitigation Measures


Environmental Mitigation Measures

Water Quality

¡P       Wastewater to be treated by the filtration systems i.e. sedimentation tank before to discharge.

Air Quality

¡P       Maintain wet surface on access road

¡P       All vehicles must be used wheel washing facility before off site

¡P       Spray water during breaking works

¡P       A cleaning truck was regularly performed on the public road to prevent fugitive dust emission


¡P       Restrain operation time of plants from 07:00 to 19:00 on any working day except for Public Holiday and Sunday.

¡P       Keep good maintenance of plants

¡P       Shut down the plants when not in used.

Waste and Chemical Management

¡P       On-site sorting prior to disposal

¡P       Follow requirements and procedures of the ¡§Trip-ticket System¡¨

¡P       Predict required quantity of concrete accurately

¡P       Collect the unused fresh concrete at designated locations in the sites for subsequent disposal


¡P       The site was generally kept tidy and clean.

9.1.3                 Based on monitoring results including air quality and construction noise, it is considered that the environmental mitigation measures implemented by the Contractor in this Reporting Period are effective.


9.2                       Tentative Construction Activities in the Coming Month

9.2.1                 Construction activities listed below will be undertaken in the coming month for the Contract of the Project.


Ÿ    Dismantle & Erection of formworks, steel fixing works, and erection of temporary metal falsework (At membrane facility building)

Ÿ    Excavation, pipe laying of CLP cable duct

Ÿ    Pipe installation for DN1600 BR1 Effluent Pipe (Near Bioreactor No1)

Ÿ    Erection of formwork and fixing of reinforcement of wall of pretreatment screen chamber (Near Bioreactor No.1)

Ÿ    Concreting the base slab of pretreatment screen chamber

Ÿ    Installation of  FRP Baffle Wall and Walkway (At Bioreactor No.1)
Excavation, Installation of sheet pile , Pipelaying  for DN1400 RAS Pipe (Near Bioreactor No1)

Ÿ    Plastering for the internal finishing for membrane facilities building



9.3                       Key Issues for the Coming Month

9.3.1                 Key issues to be considered in the coming month for the Contract include:

Ÿ    Implementation of dust suppression measures at all times;

Ÿ    Potential fugitive dust quality impact due from the dry/loose/exposure soil surface/dusty material;

Ÿ    Ensure dust suppression measures are implemented properly;

Ÿ    Implementation of construction noise preventative control measures;

Ÿ    Management of chemical wastes;

Ÿ    Follow-up of improvement on general waste management issues; and

10                         Conclusions and Recommentations

10.1                   Conclusions

10.1.1             This is the 22nd Monthly EM&A report, covering the construction period from 1 to 31 July 2017.


10.1.2             No 24-hour or 1-hour TSP monitoring results that triggered the Action or Limit Levels were recorded.  No NOEs or the associated corrective actions were therefore issued.


10.1.3             No noise complaint (which is an Action Level exceedance) was received and no construction noise measurement results that exceeded the Limit Level were recorded in this Reporting Period.  No NOEs or the associated corrective actions were therefore issued.


10.1.4             No documented complaint, notification of summons or successful prosecution was received.


10.1.5             In the Reporting Period, joint site inspection to evaluate the site environmental performance by the RE, ET and the Contractor was carried out on 6, 13, 20 and 25 July 2017.  Furthermore, IEC attend site inspection was on 25 July 2017.  No non-compliance was noted.


10.1.6             No site inspection was undertaken by any external party in this Reporting Period.


10.2                   Recommendations

10.2.1             As wet season is approaching, special attention should be paid to avoid ingress of surface runoff into nearby water bodies from the construction site.  Water quality mitigation measures should be fully implemented.


10.2.2             Moreover, air quality mitigation measures including wheel wash facilities, watering of haul roads and covering of dusty materials with tarpaulin sheet, etc. should be properly maintained.


10.2.3             To control the site performance on waste management, Tsun Yip shall ensure that all solid and liquid waste management works are fully in compliance with the relevant license/permit requirements, such as the effluent discharge licence and the chemical waste producer registration.  Tsun Yip is also reminded to implement the recommended environmental mitigation measures according to the Updating Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual.