This Section presents the potential implications
of land contamination associated with the Project.
The following requirements and guidelines are
relevant to assessment of land contamination.
Section 3.1 of Annex 19 of EIAO-TM under the
Guidance Note for Contaminated Land Assessment
and Remediation (August 2007);
Guidance Manual for Use of Risk-Based
Remediation Goals for Contaminated Land Management (December 2007); and
Practice Guide for Investigation and Remediation
of Contaminated Land (August 2011).
According to the Practice Guide, site appraisal
shall precede to determine the need for site investigation, and to provide the
information to support a contamination assessment, which the findings will
subsequently determine if site remediation is required. The assessment area for
land contamination assessment is defined as the Project Area and is presented
in Figure 7.1.
The site appraisal consists of the following:
desk-top review of existing and historical
survey maps;
interpretation of existing and historical aerial
review of land use record, permitted uses of
existing private lots; and
site walkover to verify the collected
The site walkover was undertaken to identify any
physical clues of contamination, such as presence of industrial related
building structures, chemical drums, chemical or oil stains, unnatural colours
/ odours and abandoned piping / mechanical components.
Review of Historical
Aerial Photos and Past Land Uses
A review of historical aerial photos (from 1963
– 2018) was undertaken to identify the past land uses within the project areas
(Appendix 7A). Based on
the historic photos, the land uses in the areas were formerly hilly terrain, slope,
agricultural lands, resettlement area, village areas, squatters, roads, vacant
lands and Lion Rock Park Transit Nursery. Review of historical aerial photos is
summarized in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Review of
Historical Aerial Photos
Aerial Photo Reference
Land Use
Cavern and
Access Tunnel Area
Works Area
for Tunnel Portal & Ancillary Building
Works Area
for Water Mainlaying
Appendix 7A_1
area of the site was hilly terrain covered by vegetation.
slope and vacant land;
part of the area was part of the construction site of Lion Rock Park
land temporarily occupied by construction materials
lands, resettlement area, village areas, vacant lands and road
Appendix 7A_2
covered with vegetation and vacant land
lands, resettlement area, village areas, vacant lands and road
Appendix 7A_3
area of the site was hilly terrain covered by vegetation. Part of the
proposed area for access tunnel was occupied by squatters
covered with vegetation and Lion Rock Park Transit Nursery
land covered with vegetation
vacant lands and roads
redevelopment in Chuk Yuen area
Appendix 7A_4
area of the site was hilly terrain covered by vegetation.
(including Chuk Yuen Road, Shatin Pass Road, Lung Fung Street, Sheung Fung
Street and Tsz Wan Shan Road)
Appendix 7A_5
Appendix 7A_6
Appendix 7A_7
Site Walkover and Present
Land Uses
Site walkover was undertaken in March 2020 and
June 2020 to verify existing land uses and to identify potential sources and
signs of contamination, such as presence of industrial activities, chemicals,
oil and hazardous waste handling and storage locations, bulk storage tanks,
sumps, pipelines, staining, decolouration, abnormal odours, distressed
vegetation, etc.
The walkover confirmed the area for tunnel portal
and ancillary buildings is slopes covered with vegetation and Lion Rock Park
Transit Nursery Landscape Section while the proposed storage area is currently a
vacant land covered with vegetation. Most of the proposed areas for the cavern
and access tunnel is hilly terrain covered by vegetation and part of the
southern end of the access tunnel area is access road. For water mainlaying,
the proposed works areas are mainly existing roads including Chuk Yuen Road,
Shatin Pass Road, Lung Fung Street, Sheung Fung Street and Tsz Wan Shan Road. No
polluting activities / sources were observed within the project site areas
during the walkover. The proposed works do not encroach upon any petrol filling
stations, car repair / dismantling workshops, industrial premises or other
major polluting areas. Representative photos showing the existing site
conditions are presented in Appendix 7B.
Site inspection was conducted to examine the
current conditions of the existing Lion Rock Park Transit Nursery operated by
Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). The site is used for temporary
storage of nursery trees/plants and with about 1,100 m2. During the
site inspection, no chemical storage, generator/transformer and other potential
sources and signs of contamination were identified. The floors of both building
and open area of the Transit Nursery were paved and generally clean, and there
was no sign of any chemical spillage/leakage. Photos 3-6 of Appendix 7B show the existing site conditions and observations
for the existing Lion Rock Park Transit Nursery. A site walkover checklist is provided in Appendix 7C. According to the findings of site walkover survey,
there was no chemical/oil storage in the store room. Therefore, it is
considered that the stain found on the paved floor is not chemical/oil stain
(Photo 5). In fact, the store room of the nursery will be retained and will not
be affected during the construction works. Thus, no associated land
contamination issue would be expected.
Review of Government
Fire Services Department (FSD) and Environmental
Protection Department (EPD) have been enquired on any dangerous goods license
and possible incident on spillage, leakage of chemicals or dangerous goods at
the Project Area. Reply from FSD and EPD indicate that there has been no
dangerous goods license, records of any incidents of spillage/leakage of
chemical waste or dangerous goods with the Project Area. The relevant
correspondences are provided in Appendix 7D.
The EPD’s Chemical Waste Producer Register was
inspected in June 2020 and no record of chemical producer was identified within
the Project Area.
Summary of Findings
The proposed works will be constructed on
existing hilly terrain, roads, vacant lands and Lion Rock Park Transit Nursery. No signs of suspected land contamination due
to past and present land uses were identified from review of historical aerial
photos and during site walkover. Based on the site appraisal results, no
potentially contaminating land use / activities were identified in the
Site. Therefore, no land contamination
impact associated with present and past land uses/activities is anticipated.
As no potential land contamination issue has been
identified for the Project, specific mitigation measure is considered as not
Based on the desktop appraisal and site walkover,
no land contamination issue is identified. No residual impact is expected.
Considering no potential land contamination
issue is identified, no specific monitoring is required.
A review of past and present land uses of the
project site was conducted. Based on desk-top review and site walkover, the
presence of contaminated land is not expected.