Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy - Minor Projects Environmental Guidance Note

Annex 3
Planning Environment and Lands Technical Circular No. 3/94 - Tree Preservation

Appendix B - Lands Administration Office Instruction Section D-12 Tree Preservation

  1. General
  2. Authority
  3. Guidelines for giving approval to felling
  4. Inclusion of tree clause for leased land
  5. Applications to fell trees - procedure
  6. Breach of tree felling clause
  7. Building plan referral to/from B.C. III

E. Applications to Fell Trees - Procedure

1. Private projects
(a) Applications to fell any tree shall be accompanied by two copies of a tree survey plan and a tree schedule. The plan shall show the accurate location of the tree(s), the height, circumference of the trunk and tree spread, to scale. The schedule shall indicate the species (botanical name), the height, circumference of the trunk, tree spread and condition of each tree. Photographs of the tree(s) shall also be submitted. (A plant is considered as a tree if its girth i.e. circumference of the trunk, measures 300mm (95mm DBH) or more at a height of 1000mm above ground level.) Tree survey plans must show trees to be retained., transplanted and felled, existing levels in the vieinity of each tree and an indieation of the future proposals (formation levels, finished levels and outline layout of buildings and roads) to enable the full impact of the proposed development on the existing trees to be fully assessed. Plans must be accompanied by a compensatory landscaping/replanting plan to which an undertaking will be tied.
(b) One copy of the application, tree-survey plan and where applicable the compensatory landscaping/replanting plan should, under normal circumstances, be forwarded to Arch S D to advise whether trees worthy of preservation exist and be copied to Principal Government Building Surveyor (PGBS) to advise whether building plans have been approved.
(c) The application, tree-survey plan. Arch S D's comments, photographs, building plans and compensatory landscaping/replanting plans, will be submitted to the DLO who will refer sensitive cases to DLC. All other cases may be apporved/reiected by DLO without reference to DLC.
(d) The submission to DLC should include an appropriate consent letter for signature by DLO and, where appropriate, an undertaking to be given by the developer, is to accompany the letter.
(e) Appeals against a rejection of an application to fell any tree by DLC/Government Land agent (GLA) will be submitted to PGLA/Lands administration Meeting (LAM) for an ultimate decision
2. Government Projects The works department shall submit the tree felling application, together with the information detailed in para E(1)(a), to DLO for approved after D of A&F or DUS/DRS has expressed no objection to felling of any tree affected by the proposed construction works. Sensitive cases will be referred by DLO to DLC for consideration.


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