4.1 Noise from Activities held inside Licensed Premises

Noise from musical activities, (e.g. amplified music, singing, instrument playing or live show performing, etc) undertaken inside the licensed premises if not properly contained or insulated, may be leaking out through the building openings and become a major source of annoyance to the nearby residents. Noise leakage is usually found in the following situations:

Noise due to dancing and disco music with strong bass beats, if not properly insulated and/or isolated can easily be transmitted through building structures to the neighbouring dwellings and cause noise annoyance.

Another common cause of noise nuisance is the vibration of equipment (e.g. loudspeaker body, amplifier or other musical instrument) mounted to building structures without proper isolation. The sound wave generated by the large power loudspeakers may set the floor in vibration. This vibration may excite the building structure and transmit / radiate noise which will cause noise disturbance to residents inside the adjoining premises.

Noise disturbance to residents inside adjoining premises