4.7 Good Management Practices

(A) Handling the Waste and Rubbish, e.g. Cleaning and Emptying the Bottles


Staff handling the waste / rubbish e.g. emptying bottles into bins or moving bins around during the sensitive hours after daily closing of business will definitely cause noise nuisance and sleep disturbance to nearby residents.

Staff handling the waste or rubbish during the sensitive hours causing noise nuisance and sleep disturbance to nearby residents


  • Avoid cleaning and handling bottles at night or early morning
Avoid cleaning and handling bottles at night or early morning


  • Provide a smooth pathway between the consumer area and storage area, to reduce noise while moving bins
  • Use rubber wheeled bins
  • Handle bins and rubbish with care and gently
Smooth pathway between the consumer area and storage area to reduce noise while moving rubbish bins


(B) Communication Hotline
  • Establish a hotline to facilitate the liaison and communication between the local residents or stakeholders and the person-in-charge of the licensed premises. The person-in-charge could response quickly to deal with the noise concerns reported.