Introduction of Chemical Waste Treatment Centre

Location of Chemical Waste Treatment Centre

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CWTC: Chemical Waste Treatment Centre

Special Features of CWTC

Chemical waste in Hong Kong is disposed of either on-site where the chemical waste is generated, at the landfill site or at other off-site disposal facilities including the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC). All these facilities must be licensed by this department.

The CWTC has been in operation since 1993. The design capacity of the CWTC is 100,000 tonnes per year of chemical waste. The current management and operation of the centre is contracted to Ecospace-Kum Shing Joint Venture.

The main activities of the CWTC are Chemical Waste Collection, Waste Profile Analysis and Chemical Waste Treatment. The three main treatment processes are Oil/Water Separation, Physical/Chemical Treatment and Incineration. The CWTC includes several Ancillary Systems designed to support the treatment processes, these are the Waste Container Handling, Storage Tank Farm, Laboratory and Computer System. The intake of chemical waste collected by composition and distribution according to industry are regularly reported.

The various activities of the CWTC are closely monitored which include the air emissions, the stabilised residues and the wastewater discharges to ensure that operations are environmentally safe and sound and meet the environmental statutory requirements. Regular Environmental Performance Reports of the CWTC consisting of effluent, stabilised residue and stack-gas emission data are produced. The levels of dioxins, measured in the ambient air and at the incinerator stack, are routinely monitored and reported. Moreover a Preventative Maintenance Programme and Emergency Response Plan are in use.

The Government will recover up to 100% progressively the fee/charge of treatment in the future.

Under the Clinical Waste Control Scheme, the CWTC is the designated facility for treating clinical waste. Producers of clinical waste are required under the Waste Disposal (Clinical Waste) (General) Regulation to arrange for proper disposal of the waste. The clinical waste producer can discharge his/her duty by consigning the clinical waste to a licensed clinical waste collector. Alternatively, a healthcare professional may directly deliver clinical waste to the CWTC. The charge for using the CWTC for disposal of clinical waste is $2,715 per 1,000 kg.



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