Environmental Guidance Note for Sewage Pumping Stations which is not a Designated Project

3. Potential Environmental Impacts associated with the Sewage Pumping Station

3.1 Typical environmental impacts associated with a sewage pumping station can include: -
  Construction Impact
  • dust, noise, site run-off and discharge, and construction waste disposal impacts during construction;
  • potential ecological impacts due to the damage of the natural environment including flora, fauna and wild life habitats, or felling of trees during construction;
  • potential cultural heritage impacts due to the removal or damage of items of cultural heritage; and
  • potential landscape and visual impact during the construction phase.
Operational Impact
  • odour nuisance;
  • operational plant noise;
  • water quality impact due to bypass or maintenance overflow;
  • waste disposal impact due to the screenings, sludge and chemical waste arising; and
  • potential landscape and visual impact.

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