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4. Getting to Know your EIA Report

Virtual Tutorial

  1. What is a baseline study or survey and why is it important?
  2. In an EIA study, what are classified as the noise sensitive receivers?
  3. What are the air sensitive receivers?
  4. What are the receivers that are sensitive to water pollution?
  5. Can I know more about the ecologically important areas and the baseline ecological survey?
  6. I have a better understanding of the baseline survey now.
    Can I know more about the techniques in impact prediction and evaluation?

Baseline information forms the foundation of an EIA, resembling piling of a building. A good baseline study enables potential impacts from a project to be predicted and evaluated. Where necessary, a baseline survey shall be carried out to determine the existing environmental conditions on the site. Let me give you some tips about the baseline data collection and survey for an EIA study.

For carrying out a baseline survey, both project proponents and consultants should possess first hand knowledge on

  • site constraints,
  • site conditions,
  • location and status of sensitive receivers etc.

A good planning is needed for baseline survey which might sometime be resource demanding.

Baseline surveys shall normally include the site of the project, its access, and any other areas likely to be impacted during construction and operation (or decommissioning).

The type and duration of baseline surveys shall be such that there will be adequate information taking account of natural variation to define the existing conditions.

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Last Updated : 2004/03/01

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