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4. Getting to Know your EIA Report

Virtual Tutorial

  1. What is a baseline study or survey and why is it important?
  2. In an EIA study, what are classified as the noise sensitive receivers?
  3. What are the air sensitive receivers?
  4. What are the receivers that are sensitive to water pollution?
  5. Can I know more about the ecologically important areas and the baseline ecological survey?
  6. I have a better understanding of the baseline survey now.
    Can I know more about the techniques in impact prediction and evaluation?

Annex 13 of the Technical Memorandum on the EIA Process (EIAO-TM) delineate uses that are classified as noise sensitive uses.

Some typical Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSR) are:*

Domestic premises & temporary housing ü**
Hostel ü**
Hospital, clinic & nursery ü**
School, educational institution ü**

* within 300m of the Study Area
**Relevant standards in the Technical Memorandum apply to the uses
rely on opened windows for ventilation only.

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Last Updated : 2004/03/01

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