Heng Fa Chuen

District: Eastern
Housing type: Private housing estate
Property management company: MTR Corporation Limited - Property Management
No. of blocks: 48
No. of households: 6,504


¡§Heng Fa Chuen has increased the quantity of recyclables it collects by 27%, from 13.4 kg per household per month before joining the Programme to 17 kg per household per month in 2006.¡¨

Heng Fa Chuen Estate Management Office

Two containers have been mounted on the wall inside the refuse room on each floor for collecting metals and plastics. Waste paper can be left on the floor for separate collection by the cleaner.

¡§In 2006, we earned extra income about HK$285,000 from selling recyclable materials which is used for subsidizing management expenses.¡¨

Mr. Chao Shing Kie,
Chairman of the Heng Fa Chuen Owners' Committee, Residential Sub-Committee

Representatives of the Owners' Committee of Heng Fa Chuen and Dr. Sarah Liao, the former Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works in the opening ceremony of the Pilot Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste.