1          INTRODUCTION.. 1-1

1.1      Background.. 1-1

1.2      Designated Project.. 1-1

1.3      Purpose of the EIA Study.. 1-1

1.4      Objectives of the EIA Study.. 1-2

1.5      Structure of this EIA Report.. 1-2

2          project Description.. 2-1

2.1      Introduction.. 2-1

2.2      Project Objective.. 2-1

2.3      The Need for the Project.. 2-1

2.4      Scope of the Project.. 2-1

2.5      Proposed Relocation Site.. 2-2

2.6      Proposed Location of Access Tunnel and Tunnel Portal.. 2-5

2.7      Proposed Layout for the Project.. 2-11

2.8      Consideration of Construction Methodologies. 2-11

2.9      Tackling Environmental Challenges and Options Considered.. 2-15

2.10    Environmental Initiatives. 2-17

2.11    Collating and Addressing Public Views. 2-17

2.12    Project Programme.. 2-20

2.13    Project Interface.. 2-20

2.14    Potential Environmental Impacts Arising from Construction and Operation of the ProjecT 


3          Air Quality Impact.. 3-1

3.1      Introduction.. 3-1

3.2      Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 3-1

3.3      Baseline Condition.. 3-2

3.4      Air Sensitive Receivers. 3-3

3.5      Identification of Key Air Pollutants. 3-5

3.6      Assessment Methodology.. 3-8

3.7      Prediction and Evaluation and Environmental Impacts. 3-16

3.8      Mitigation Measures. 3-17

3.9      Residual Impacts. 3-20

3.10    Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 3-20

3.11    Conclusion.. 3-20

4.         Noise Impact.. 4-1

4.1      Introduction.. 4-1

4.2      Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 4-1

4.3      Baseline Condition.. 4-4

4.4      Noise Sensitive Receivers. 4-5

4.5      Potential Sources of Impact.. 4-6

4.6      Assessment Approach and Methodology.. 4-7

4.7      Impact Assessment.. 4-9

4.8      Mitigation Measures. 4-11

4.9      Cumulative Impacts. 4-16

4.10    Residual Impacts. 4-18

4.11    Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 4-18

4.12    Conclusion.. 4-18

4.13    References. 4-19

5          Water Quality Impact.. 5-1

5.1      Introduction.. 5-1

5.2      Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 5-1

5.3      Water Sensitive Receivers. 5-3

5.4      Existing Baseline Condition.. 5-4

5.5      Potential Sources of Impacts. 5-6

5.6      Assessment Methodology.. 5-7

5.7      Impact Assessment.. 5-7

5.8      Mitigation Measures. 5-11

5.9      Cumulative Impacts. 5-15

5.10    Residual Impacts. 5-15

5.11    Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 5-16

5.12    Conclusions. 5-16

6.         Waste Management IMPLICATIONS. 6-1

6.1      Introduction.. 6-1

6.2      Relevant Legislation, Policies, Standards and Criteria.. 6-1

6.3      Assessment Methodology.. 6-3

6.4      Identification of Potential Waste Sources. 6-3

6.5      Impact Assessment and Evaluation.. 6-4

6.6      Mitigation Measures. 6-9

6.7      Residual Impacts. 6-13

6.8      Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 6-13

6.9      Conclusions. 6-14

7          Land Contamination.. 7-1

7.1      Introduction.. 7-1

7.2      Relevant Legislation, Policies, Standards and Criteria.. 7-1

7.3      Assessment Methodology.. 7-1

7.4      Site Appraisal.. 7-1

7.5      Mitigation Measure.. 7-3

7.6      Residual Impacts. 7-3

7.7      Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 7-3

7.8      Conclusions. 7-4

8          Ecological Impact Assessment.. 8-1

8.1      Introduction.. 8-1

8.2      Requirement of EIA under Study Brief.. 8-1

8.3      Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 8-1

8.4      Assessment Methodology.. 8-2

8.5      Field Survey Methodology.. 8-8

8.6      Survey Result.. 8-10

8.7      Evaluation of Habitats and Species of Ecological Importance.. 8-17

8.8      Impact Identification and Evaluation.. 8-27

8.9      Mitigation Measures. 8-30

8.10    Cumulative Impact.. 8-33

8.11    Residual Impact.. 8-33

8.12    Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 8-33

8.13    Conclusion.. 8-33

8.14    References


9          Landscape and Visual Impact.. 9-1

9.1      Project Background.. 9-1

9.2      Key Development Component.. 9-1

9.3      Relevant Legislations, Standards & Guidelines. 9-2

9.4      Landscape Assessment Methodology.. 9-3

9.5      Visual Assessment Methodology.. 9-5

9.6      Review of Planning and Development Control Framework.. 9-8

9.7      Landscape Baseline Condition.. 9-12

9.8      Visual Baseline Condition.. 9-21

9.9      Broad Brush Tree Survey Findings. 9-30

9.10    Sources of Landscape and Visual Impacts. 9-31

9.11    Magnitude of Change of Landscape Quality without Mitigation.. 9-32

9.12    Magnitude of Change of Visual Quality without Mitigation.. 9-42

9.13    Significance of Landscape Impacts without Mitigation.. 9-47

9.14    Significance of Visual Impacts without Mitigation.. 9-47

9.15    Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures. 9-48

9.16    Recommended Photomontage Vantage Points. 9-51

9.17    Significance of Residual Landscape and Visual Impacts. 9-60

9.18    Concurrent Projects and Potential Cumulative Impacts. 9-60

9.19    Environmental and Monitoring Audit Requirement.. 9-61

9.20    Conclusion.. 9-61

10       Hazard to Life.. 10-1

10.1    Introduction.. 10-1

10.2    Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 10-1

10.3    Hazard Identification.. 10-1

10.4    Monitoring and Audit Requirement.. 10-2

10.5    Conclusion.. 10-2

11       Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements. 11-1

11.1    Project Organisation.. 11-1

11.2    EM&A Manual.. 11-1

11.3    Project Implementation Schedule.. 11-2

11.4    EM&A Programme.. 11-2

12       Environmental Outcomes. 12-1

12.1    Introduction.. 12-1

12.2    Environmentally Friendly Options Considered and Incorporated to Avoid Environmental Impact.. 12-1

12.3    Environmental Designs Recommended to Minimise and Mitigate Environmental Impacts  12-2

12.4    Summary of Key Environmental Problems Avoided, Protection of Sensitive Areas and Provision of Compensatory Tree Planting.. 12-3

12.5    Estimated Population Protected from Various Environmental Impacts. 12-3

12.6    Environmental Benefits of Environmental Protection Measures Recommended.. 12-4

13       ConclusionS. 13-1

13.1    General.. 13-1

13.2    Benefits of Project.. 13-1

13.3    Air Quality Impact.. 13-1

13.4    Noise Impact.. 13-2

13.5    Water Quality Impact.. 13-2

13.6    Waste Management Implications. 13-2

13.7    Land Contamination.. 13-3

13.8    Ecological Impact.. 13-3

13.9    Landscape and Visual Impacts. 13-3

13.10 Hazard to Life.. 13-4

13.11 Overall Conclusion.. 13-4


List of Tables

Table 2.1   Advantages and Disadvantages of Proposed Cavern Options. 2-3

Table 2.2   Advantages and Disadvantages of Proposed Tunnel Options. 2-6

Table 2.3   Consideration of Construction Methods for Tunnels and Caverns. 2-14

Table 2.4   Summary of Public Views. 2-18

Table 2.5   Potential Concurrent Project. 2-20

Table 2.6   Indoor Air Quality Objectives for Office and Public Places. 2-21

Table 3.1   Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives. 3-1

Table 3.2   5-year Averaged Annual Background Concentration of Air Pollutants recorded at Sham Shui Po Station by EPD for the Period of 2015-2019.. 3-2

Table 3.3   Air Pollutants Concentrations at the Project Site in 2020 Predicted from PATH-2016 Model 3-3

Table 3.4   Representative Air Sensitive Receivers. 3-4

Table 3.5   Key Concurrent Projects for Construction Dust Assessments. 3-7

Table 3.6   Individual Construction Activities during Construction.. 3-9

Table 3.7   Emission Factor for Dust Emitting Construction Activity.. 3-10

Table 3.8   Preliminary Design of Ventilation System at the Portal 3-12

Table 3.9   Vehicular Classes in EMFAC-HK Model 3-12

Table 3.10 Summary of Cumulative Dust Emission Concentration (Unmitigated Scenario). 3-16

Table 3.11 Summary of Dust Suppression Measures. 3-17

Table 3.12 Summary of Cumulative Dust Emission Concentration (Mitigated Scenario). 3-18

Table 4‑1   EIAO-TM Day-time Construction Noise Standards. 4-1

Table 4‑2   Area Sensitivity Ratings. 4-2

Table 4‑3   Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) for General Construction Works to be carried out during Restricted Hours (GW-TM). 4-3

Table 4‑4   ANLs to be used as Operational Noise Criteria. 4-4

Table 4‑5   Measured Prevailing Noise Levels. 4-5

Table 4‑6   Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs). 4-5

Table 4‑7   Predicted Construction Noise Levels (Without Mitigation Measures). 4-10

Table 4‑8   Fixed Plant Noise Design Criteria. 4-11

Table 4‑9 Predicted Construction Noise Levels (Mitigated Scenario 1). 4-12

Table 4‑10 Predicted Construction Noise Levels (Mitigated Scenario 2). 4-14

Table 4‑11 Predicted Cumulative Construction Noise Levels. 4-16

Table 4‑12 Predicted Cumulative Fixed Plant Noise Levels. 4-18

Table 5‑1   Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Victoria Harbour (Phase 2) WCZ.. …………………………5-1

Table 5‑2   Representative Water Sensitive Receivers. ………………………………………………………………………….5-3

Table 5‑3   Summary of River Water Quality Monitoring Data collected by EPD for Stations in Kai Tak River  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5-4

Table 5‑4   Summary of Marine Water Quality Monitoring Data collected by EPD for VM1, VM2, VT4 and VT115-5

Table 6.1 Summary of Different Types of Waste Volumes Generated during Construction Phase. ………….6-5

Table 6.2 Programme of Disposal of C&D Materials. ……………………………………………………………………………6-6

Table 6.3 Tentative Transportation Routings for Waste Disposal ………………………………………………………..6-8

Table 7.1 Review of Historical Aerial Photos. ……………………………………………………………………………………....7-2

Table 8.1 Planned Schedule of Ecological Surveys. 8-9

Table 8.2 Estimated Size of the Habitat Types within the Project Area and Study Area. 8-10

Table 8.3 Ecological Evaluation of Secondary Woodland.. 8-17

Table 8.4 Ecological Evaluation of Plantation.. 8-18

Table 8.5 Ecological Evaluation of Shrubland.. 8-19

Table 8.6 Ecological Evaluation of Watercourse. 8-20

Table 8.7 Ecological Evaluation of Developed Area. 8-20

Table 8.8 Ecological Evaluation of Floral Species of Conservation Interest. 8-21

Table 8.9 Ecological Evaluation of Faunal Species of Conservation Interest……………………………………...8-22

Table 8.10 Summary of Habitat Loss. 8-27

Table 8.11 Length of Proposed Fresh Water and Salt Water Mains. 8-28

Table 9.1   Description of Key Development Components. 9-1

Table 9.2   Matrix of Significance of Landscape and Visual Impacts. 9-5

Table 9.3   Review of Existing Planning and Development Framework within the 500m Study Area. 9-9

Table 9.4   Baseline Conditions of Landscape Resources. 9-12

Table 9.5   Summary of Sensitivity of Landscape Resources. 9-17

Table 9.6   Baseline Conditions of Landscape Character Areas. 9-20

Table 9.7   Summary of Sensitivity of Landscape Character Areas. 9-20

Table 9.8   Baseline VSRs and their Sensitivity.. 9-25

Table 9.9   Summary of Broad Brush Tree Survey Results. 9-30

Table 9.10 Sources of Landscape and Visual Impacts. 9-32

Table 9.11 Magnitude of Change of Landscape Quality without Mitigation.. 9-33

Table 9.12 Magnitude of Change of Visual Quality without Mitigation.. 9-43

Table 9.13 Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures for Construction Phase. 9-49

Table 9.14 Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures for Operation Phase. 9-50

Table 9.15 Significance of Residual Landscape Impacts. 9-52

Table 9.16 Significance of Residual Visual Impacts. 9-56

Table 12.1 Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected.. 12-3

Table 12.2 Key Recommended Mitigation Measures and Associated Benefits. 12-4


List of Figures

Figure 1.1           Project Layout

Figure 2.1           General Layout of Proposed Cavern Options

Figure 2.2           General Layout of Proposed Access Tunnel Options – Feasibility Stage (Option 1-6)

Figure 2.3           General Layout of Proposed Access Tunnel Options – Investigation Stage (Option 6-8)

Figure 2.4           Proposed Project Site Location

Figure 2.5           Location of Concurrent Project

Figure 3.1           Location of Air Sensitive Receivers (Within 500m Quantitative Assessment Area)

Figure 3.2           Location of Air Sensitive Receivers (Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment)

Figure 3.3           Surrounding Environment and Concurrent Project

Figure 3.4           Segment Configuration

Figure 3.5           Contours of Cumulative Unmitigated Maximum Hourly TSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.6           Contours of Cumulative Unmitigated Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.7           Contours of Cumulative Unmitigated 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.8           Contours of Cumulative Unmitigated Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.9           Contours of Cumulative Unmitigated 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.10        Contours of Cumulative Mitigated Maximum Hourly TSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.11        Contours of Cumulative Mitigated Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.12        Contours of Cumulative Mitigated 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 3.13        Contours of Cumulative Mitigated Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation )

Figure 3.14        Contours of Cumulative Mitigated 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration at 1.5 mAG (60.3 mPD Base Elevation)

Figure 4.1           All Noise Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area

Figure 4.2           Represetative Noise Senstive Receivers during Construction Phase

Figure 4.3           Represetative Noise Senstive Receivers during Operation Phase

Figure 5.1           Represetative Water Senstive Receivers

Figure 5.2           Location of EPD’s Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Figure 6.1           Location of Proposed Stockpiling Area

Figure 7.1           Assessment Area of the Land Contamination Assessment

Figure 8.1           Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Preferred Option) (Key Plan)

Figure 8.1a         Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Preferred Option) (Sheet 1 of 4)

Figure 8.1b        Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Preferred Option) (Sheet 2 of 4)

Figure 8.1c         Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Preferred Option) (Sheet 3 of 4)

Figure 8.1d        Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Preferred Option) (Sheet 4 of 4)

Figure 8.2           Habitat Loss within Project Site (Key Plan)

Figure 8.2a         Habitat Loss within Project Site (Sheet 1 of 4)

Figure 8.2b        Habitat Loss within Project Site (Sheet 2 of 4)

Figure 8.2c         Habitat Loss within Project Site (Sheet 3 of 4)

Figure 8.2d        Habitat Loss within Project Site (Sheet 4 of 4)

Figure 9.1a         Review of Planning and Development Framework

Figure 9.1b        Review of Planning and Development Frameworks (Blow-up)

Figure 9.2a         Landscape Resources

Figure 9.2b        Landscape Resources (Blow-up)

Figure 9.3a         Photographs of Landscape Resources (1 of 7)

Figure 9.3b        Photographs of Landscape Resources (2 of 7)

Figure 9.3c         Photographs of Landscape Resources (3 of 7)

Figure 9.3d        Photographs of Landscape Resources (4 of 7)

Figure 9.3e         Photographs of Landscape Resources (5 of 7)

Figure 9.3f         Photographs of Landscape Resources (6 of 7)

Figure 9.3g         Photographs of Landscape Resources (7 of 7)

Figure 9.4a         Landscape Character Areas

Figure 9.4b        Landscape Character Areas (Blow-up)

Figure 9.5           Photography of Landscape Character Areas

Figure 9.6a         Visual Envelope and Visually Sensitive Receivers During Construction Phase

Figure 9.6b        Visual Envelope and Visually Sensitive Receivers During Operation Phase

Figure 9.7a         Photographs of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSR) (1 of 2)

Figure 9.7b        Photographs of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSR) (2 of 2)

Figure 9.8a         Photomontage VP1

Figure 9.8b        Photomontage VP2

Figure 9.8c         Photomontage VP3

Figure 9.9           Compensatory Planting Locations

Figure 9.10a      Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 1 of 2)

Figure 9.10b      Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 2 of 2)

Figure 9.11        Conceptual Section



List of Appendices                                                           

Appendix 2A          Construction Programme

Appendix 3A           Calculation of Emission Factor (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 3B           Not Used

Appendix 3C            EMFAC Traffic Emission Factor

Appendix 3D           Calculation of Vehicular Emission

Appendix 3E           Calculation of Lion Rock Tunnel Portal Emission Factor

Appendix 3F            Emission Inventory

Appendix 3G           Details of Surface Characteristics

Appendix 3H           Result of Cumulative Dust Emission Concentration (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 3I             Calculation of Emission Factor (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 3J             Result of Cumulative Dust Emission Concentration (Mitigated Scenario)

   Appendix 4A           All Noise Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area and Photos of Existing Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 4B           Not Used

Appendix 4C            Construction Noise Calculation for Unmitigated Scenario

Appendix 4D           Determination of Maximum Permissible SWL for Fixed Plant Noise

Appendix 4E           Construction Noise Calculation for Mitigated Scenarios 1 and 2

Appendix 4F            Cumulative Construction Noise Impact

Appendix 4G           Cumulative Operation Noise Impact

Appendix 7A           Historical Aerial Photo

Appendix 7B           Representative Photos of Existing Site Condition

Appendix 7C            Site Walkover Checklist

Appendix 7D           Correspondences with Government Departments

Appendix 8A           Representative Survey Photo and Survey Data

Appendix 9A           Broad Brush Tree Survey Schedule

Appendix 11A         Project Implementation Schedule

Appendix 13A         Summary of Environmental Impact

Appendix 13B         Key Assessment and Limitation of Assessment Methodologies